Selling Ebooks: Choosing the Right Platform


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When it comes to selling ebooks, Amazon's vast market makes it an attractive platform. Amazon also offer better royalties and it is a free platform. However, Amazon’s vast market also poses a potential risk that is the highly competitive market. Therefore, you can also explore other platforms. Etsy can be suitable for specific types of books like workbooks or mini-tutorials. Likewise, gumroad is appropriate for selling tutorial and mini guides. You can also try markets like Barnes and Nobles and Lulu. To succeed, write a quality ebook, hire a professional editor and designer, and then upload it to the chosen platform.
Why should you bother about ebook publishing platform as long as we already have something like Amazon. It is free, it is the biggest online book market, you can publish print books as well as ebooks and even convert your ebooks into print books and vice versa easily. You can get the best royalty rate for your ebooks. If you are having difficulty in selling ebooks, you can easily use their advertising services to reach a lot of people. The only alternate to Amazon is your own website.