Saving Money for Special Occasions


VIP Contributor
There are many purposes of saving money, for instance, you can save money for your financial emergencies, you can save to build your investment funds, you can save to buy house or a car, you can even save for special occasions, for instance going on a vacation, etc.

If your income exceeds regular expenses, saving for special occasions is doable. However, if your finances are not in good condition, you will have to cut your all unnecessary expenses to save money. Regardless of your financial situation, you should start saving for important events because the purpose of saving is also to enjoy life.
Saving money for special occasion is very important because you if you have a limited income, saving is the only way to accomplish your goals, I've not been a big fan of savings but recently I've realized that savings goes a long way in helping me in different aspects of my life.

You shouldn't spend all of your income learn to save something from it even if it is 1/10 or even if you don't have any special occasion coming up because when an emergency come up you'll be able to bail yourself out easily with out stressing yourself with loans.