Results if technology is involved in business.


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Technology absolutely plays a very important role and duty in the growth and development of businesses. Long before technology was actually introduced into business, majority of business owners and business managers will absolutely carrying out old and crude method of business activities. However one of the Major and mandatory problems of this old and crude method of business practices include erroneous decision making and ineffective aggregation of business data. Technology brought about the use of computers which are used in businesses and in commercial offices today. The use of this computers are basically used in business organisations and companies as well as commercial Enterprises to documents financial transactions as well as sales and purchases for the day. The use of the computer to perform activities like this help for easy decision making and easy retrieval of important business recorded status and data.

Technology have also assist in businesses especially manufacturing industries in the area of transforming raw materials into finished products which can be sold either on the local market or through online platforms. Technology has brought about gadgets such as the smartphone and other devices that can access the internet. The internet is also a product of technology, with the use of the internet businesses can absolutely engage in other methods of marketing products and promotion of business goods and services. Some of this methods of marketing that the internet have provide for business marketers and for product promoters includes, social media marketing, influencer marketing, web marketing, digital marketing etc.
There would be a whole lot of benefits and positive results if a business owner or business manager sees the need to involve the use of technology in offer business activities and practices. In all ramification technology has the power to impact business and since technology was introduced into business a whole lot of positive results have been brought about in business example before technology was brought into business individuals were using old method of business transaction recording which involves recording business transactions with the use of journals books and books of management. This method of business transaction re-recording always lead to erroneous and mistaken results which absolutely affect decision-making.

But with the use of technology computer as method of data processing as well as business transaction re-recordings was brought into existence. Which accurately impact the decision making aspects of a particular business and the possibility and ability for a particular business to grow and to develop. Technology have also impact business in the sense that it assist in So Many ways to make goods and services to be swiftly available for sale and for rendering to customers and clients.
Technology itself has definitely impacted the existence of businesses and one of the obvious way that we can be convinced that technology has affected businesses is because it has brought into existence the use of the internet which can obviously be accessed with our smartphones with our laptop device and that is why in most business centres and organisation there are laptop devices and desktop computers that can be used to access the internet and the reason of this gadget to exist in a business organisation is so as to engage in various marketing method as well as follow new trends that have been uploaded on social media pages of a particular business venture.

With the use of Internet majority of business owners and business managers have obviously engage in other method of business marketing as well as sales promotion and advertisement. The internet has also made it important and very much easy for businesses to partner with social media influencers to an efficient and equitable promotion of the goods and services.