Reasons for losing customers.


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To get customers is not as difficult as to keep customers. Some business owners do think getting customers is very easy so at times they don't really mind the way they treat customers with the hope that of one customer goes, another will surely come. But at times, it may not be so. Customers may not even troop as they wish. That's why business owners must be wary of the following attitude that drive customers away.

Increasing prics without adding value to goods. Goods and services should be increased as a result of forces of demand and supply. But it won't be a surprise thing when you see business owners all in the name to make huge profits increasing price of goods and services unjustly.

Other attitude include not having good customers service relation. Some business owners cannot even joke with customers. They always frown. And they don't even give much attention to welcome their customers compliants.

Lastly on my part, some business owners do not have good after sale services. They don't even want to care about the feelings of their customers after purchasing or patronizing them. And this is bad. Becssue after sale service will let them know how to increase or improve their business.

In conclusionx customers must be taken care of in order to allow them to be coming and even persuading their friends to patronize us.
I agree with the point that business owners do not have good after sale services. In your opinion why they do so? and how can this thing be improvised?
I agree with the point that business owners do not have good after sale services. In your opinion why they do so? and how can this thing be improvised?
There are various reasons for this. Some business owners always del on top of the world and don't see any reason to be putting their customers on mind while others don't genuinely have time due to various activities. It can be improved by changing mindset and also installing auto response facilities.
For a retailing business the most common reason for losing customers is the price and next is the inter-personal relationship of the store attendant (or manager or even owner) with customers. I would say that the price is not really a killer because usually when you increase the price of your goods other stores would have done the same. What’s important is how you handle the customers that come to your store or restaurant. Treat them as guest and not mere customers.
For a retailing business the most common reason for losing customers is the price and next is the inter-personal relationship of the store attendant (or manager or even owner) with customers. I would say that the price is not really a killer because usually when you increase the price of your goods other stores would have done the same. What’s important is how you handle the customers that come to your store or restaurant. Treat them as guest and not mere customers.
I love your last line. Everybody likes being treated special. The moment a business owner doesn't even feel your presence or make you comfortable, there is no way you won't lose your cool and decide never to patronize the person again. This little act matter a lot in doing business.
Many people lose their customers because they don't know how to deal with customers when it comes to business, another note for you to lose your customers, you must always be at their service by getting them a good quality product that will meet their satisfaction, being friendly with them we also avoid losing your customers, meaning customers appreciate calling them by their names so I think trying to know your customer by their names is one of the best way you can avoid losing them.
Many people lose their customers because they don't know how to deal with customers when it comes to business, another note for you to lose your customers, you must always be at their service by getting them a good quality product that will meet their satisfaction, being friendly with them we also avoid losing your customers, meaning customers appreciate calling them by their names so I think trying to know your customer by their names is one of the best way you can avoid losing them.
That's a nice contribution from you. Customers prefer to be treated like queens and kings. I don't know of your last line that claims customers like it while calling them by names. I think it is controversial because some people don't like it when they are not respected. Though, as you claim, it may work because it works in banks.
Yes it is true that people loses customers when they behave rudely to the customers. There was a day I went to get bread in a shop I got to the shop and the lady was discussing with someone else I asked how much is your bread she ignored me I asked again and she was sluggish to answer I just dropped the bread and left, she is acting as if she was doing me a favor. Business owners should be polite and have a good manner of approach to retain customers.
Lack of knowledge on how to deal with your customers can make you lose them that is why before opening a business you should understand that customers does not behave the same way their behaviour differs some might behave good while some might behave annoying whatever the case may be it is advisable not to query I'll get into a quarrel with them because rather than getting their interest you are losing them