Possible initiatives to protect small businesses

It is possible to protect the world's millions of small enterprises through the implementation of a few different policies and programs.

The formation of a global small business alliance is one possibility. This association would be comprised of small enterprises from all over the world that have banded together in order to advocate for and provide assistance to one another. They agreed to collaborate on the development of rules and regulations that would foster their growth and give a voice to the concerns of small enterprises operating on a global scale.

A second suggestion is to establish a facility for the incubation of small businesses. This would be a location where individuals starting their own small enterprises could go to seek assistance. It would provide resources such as mentoring, training, and counsel, among other things.

With this, I believe small business would be protected and be able to stand firm without the risk of collapsing.

Do share your thoughts on this threads if you think you know any possible way small businesses can be protected
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There are many potential initiatives that could be taken in order to help protect small businesses. One example would be to provide tax breaks or other incentives for small businesses, in order to make it more affordable for them to stay afloat. Another possibility would be to create a program that helps connect small businesses with potential customers, or provides them with resources and advice on how to market themselves. Additionally, it may be helpful to establish legislation that makes it more difficult for large businesses to monopolize certain markets.
Most times, government has much roles to play in protecting the small businesses. The more the government tries to do this, the more the chance for small business enterprises to have much stability.

Some of these will include increasing tariff on the export of goods. This will automatically discourage buying foreign goods. Another thing to do is to make sure that small businesses have access to loan.

The loan can be used to expand the business and make them have more customers.

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