Other sources of happiness apart from money.


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It is possible to be happy without a lot of money, but it is important to recognize that money can provide financial security and access to resources and opportunities that can contribute to happiness and well-being. That being said, research has shown that beyond a certain point, an increase in income does not necessarily lead to an increase in happiness. In fact, some studies have found that there is a "satiation point" beyond which increasing income does not significantly improve a person's level of happiness. It's important to note that there are many other factors that can contribute to happiness, including personal relationships, good health, a sense of purpose and meaning in life, and a sense of accomplishment. While having a certain level of financial security can be important, it is not the only factor that determines happiness.

It is quite unfortunate and very disturbing to see how people have brought to themselves unnecessary suffering and prolong dissatisfaction by engaging in various illegitimate and an advice ways of achieving massive wealth. Many have engaged in activities such as killing their fellow man, occultic activities, child exploitation, child and women trafficking just to achieve wealth in abundance. It is very much advice that we only chase after money for what it is, which is basically only a tool that we can use to satisfy our needs and wants and nothing else, in other words a mechanism that can only bring to us temporary happiness and never permanent happiness.
You are right I think most people that believe that money is all the need to be happy are the poor people because they do not have money so they believe that money can bring them the happiness they desire. if money was the cure for unhappiness then the rich will never cry. But we know in reality that the rich also cry.

Life isn't just about money they are other things that we need to get or have all the fulfillment that we need. We need peace, Frenship, understanding from people, love , especially the promises of God to be fulfilled in our lives.
Despite the fact that money and happiness may definitely go hand-in-hand with each other but it is absolutely very important that we understand the kind of happiness that comes with having money especially in abundance. Money only gives temporary happiness and never permanent happiness and that is why majority of people who are rich and abundance today are suffering various elements as well as sicknesses in which money cannot solve.

Other sources of happiness include finding a good relationship, making friends, finding a good job, living a healthy life, and most importantly building a strong and unbreakable bond as well as relationship with God. It is true that majority of people have brought to themselves or necessary consequences and repercussions just because they want to achieve money in abundance. We must only pursue and chased after money for basically what it is, which is nothing more than a tool used to satisfy our needs and wants and nothing more .