Mastering Shorts Videos for Better Earning Prospects


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Short videos are gaining popularity but not many people are able to generate revenue from their short videos. If you are in the similar situation, I have some tips to share. Understanding the algorithm of the platform where you are publishing your short videos is crucial for gaining views on your short videos. For instance, if you publish on Tiktok, you need to understand how the algorithm performs. The algorithm favors active content creators who regularly publish short videos. Therefore, consistent uploads keep you in the algorithm's loop, providing more visibility. Creating short videos on trending topics will also keep your videos in the feed, thus, enhancing the chances of your content being discovered.
For earning, I believe short videos c an be better than long videos. That's because people do not have patience to watch long form of content, whether they are trying to get their daily dose of entertainment, seeking for information, or educate themselves on certain topics, they do not have patience to watch long videos. That's why shorter videos have better visibility than the longer videos. Shorter videos are also easier to make. And with the evolution of AI, you can easily create videos through AI tools.