Is it compulsory to eat three times a day?


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I would have mention some reasons why it is not compulsory to be eating three times a day. Some people are eating once a day to sustain their body, why some people are eating twice or thrice a day. These does not mean whether somebody eat twice or thrice a day, what is important is, what types of foods that he or she eats a day, what are the vitamins present in the foods that he or she eat a day. These are very important in lifetime and mode of consumption in human being to survive, in this life. Some people are eating to kill themselves, while some people are eating to sustain a good health, no matter what, we have to be moderate in consumption, and go for the advise of nutritionist of what to be eating and when to be eating it. This complete way of life.
It is not about the number of times one decides to eat but rather the content of the food consumed. We may be eating voraciously and never look nourished and most time we eat less and still maintain good health.

However, there is more reason to make sure that breakfast is not skipped for any reason whatsoever. This is because this is the most important food that sustain the body for the whole day since most don't really have time for lunch and brunch.

Whenever we want to eat or no matter the number of time we may decide to be eating, we should always endeavour to make it a balanced diet. This will help a longer way to help in boosting our immune system and make us healthy.

Though, there is no one that doesn't want to be eating thrice a day as recommended or as we assumed it to be, but there are many factors that may hinder this from happening. There may be time factor, lack of money or even most time, relationship status.
Though some health personals might tell you to eat three times a day but personally I think eating two times per day is more than enough for an individual. I usually eat two times per day.
It's not really compulsory that you have to eat three times a day , but naturally you are supposed to eat three times a day because that is what the medical society recommend . Medically it is advised that we eat three times a day and sometimes we can take snacks during the waiting period for those that might be interested to do so .

Sometimes also we are always advised not to missed breakfast because it is believed to be the most important meal of the day

A lot of people can even missed some of their meals but they prefer to take snacks during that period of time and I don't see anything wrong with that . At the same time a lot of people may not really have to eat three times a day but will always prefer to eat more than three times a day and still the same thing .

Personally I have to research on the internet concerning if eating less than 3 times a day can affect the human body and also how eating more than three times a day can also affect the body negatively. Is something that worth reseaching on for curiosity purposes.
There is no any scientific origin and reason why individuals usually eat three times in a day and so there is no need for you to even bother yourself about whether or not to meet up with this on a daily basis .

I believe that things like this are usually due to our cultural setup and how we were brought up to think about certain things to be the right way of doing things .

One just has to make sure that he or she is eating enough food that will sustain them and not to pressure themselves into thinking they would have to eat for at least three times in a day before staying fit or living a healthy lifestyle .

It all boils down to individual choices and how it is the normal happening in their country . For us in Nigeria , it is normal to eat at most twice in a day and not even feel bad because the economic situation is very very terrible that some people even do not get to eat food for a whole day . This is why we do not even complain whenever we are unable to eat up to three times a day , because some people do not even have food at all .
It's not compulsory to eat three times a day and eating is not even the important thing when it comes to health.

But the content of the food that you eat, most of us are more concerned about carbs and foods that makes us feel full and will stay long in our body before digestion, but what's really important is to understand what your body is lacking and make sure you make up for it in your meals.

The cases of obesity are on the rise and it's a very important thing to know if we are obsessed or not.

I prefer to eat vegetables and protein and fats and keep my low carb very low, consuming these things is actually not cheap and you have to spend a great amount of money to be able to afford it.

It's really a pity that our country don't provide any type of support when it comes to matters like this, Food is supposed to be subsidized for the mases and government should know the content of foods its citizens eat and should make effort to make it up to standard.

Most people just eat what's available with little to no concern about nutrition
@sakamoto made a very short but sensible remark. Most people will say we need to eat at least 3x a day. To be honest, most people in my country eat at least 5x a day, and that includes heavy snacks in-between. I used to be proud of the fact that I only need to eat twice a day, lunch and dinner, and both are usually heavy meals. I usually skip breakfast. When I started working online, I began to appreciate having midnight snacks. I gained some pounds and it's not healthy at all. I had to watch the type of food I was eating to lose the extra pounds. Some doctors say that it's better to eat small meals every now and then to keep our blood sugar stable. We must eat to live and not live to eat.​
Is it complusory to eat three times a day.
Eating balanced diet is more important to the body, it is a choice for eating three times or more, lunch breakfast and dinner are seen specific time for eating food but if a person decided to eat more than three times no problem because a time's it depends on the system of the body.
Is it complusory to eat three times a day.
Eating balanced diet is more important to the body, it is a choice for eating three times or more, lunch breakfast and dinner are seen specific time for eating food but if a person decided to eat more than three times no problem because a time's it depends on the system of the body.