Involving family and friends in your business

If it is a family business, then I do not see the wrong in it. When it comes to a personal business, it is not advisable to involve family members or friends except they are qualified or skilled for the task.

Nepotism and favoritism are two things that have helped demote businesses. Family members or friends who are employed in a business do not tend to stick to business ethics or rules perhaps due to familiarity, and this would surely take a negative toll on the business.
In my former workplace, my boss employed her brother's wife, somehow we all knew she was not seasoned for the job. She would come late to work and most times it was easy to spot her sleeping during work hours. My boss would reprimand her some times, other times she would overlook her incompetence.
Bottom line, she would not have condoned her incompetence if she was not a family member. That job, if given to a more deserving person would not have suffered.

It is advisable to let family members and friends know that business is business. Avoid giving out products to them on credit, on a long run, the business may suffer. If you want to employ family members or friends, ensure that they are experienced or skilled.