How To Take Business from Ideation to Profits


VIP Contributor
If you have a business idea and you are thinking and developing the idea further into a business it’s very important to know how you can actualize your dreams, after writing a business plan the next step is to find funding for your business, this can get a little bit dicey which is very important to determine where your company’s funding is going to come from: Family and friends, Investors or Crowdfunding.

After raising money for your business the next step is to build up a minimum viable product and try to introduce it to the market, your feedback should be based on whatever feedback you get from the market, keep on making it better and iterating on Market Demand, overtime you will have a thriving business.
Yes,one thing with business is developing the idea but the most is making profit off the business. it’s very important to know how you can actualize the dreams of making the business grow from it idea state to one that is making huge profits at all times. You can start with finding good funding for your business, this is very important as you need to determine where your company’s funding will come from. It is good to get the funding from your : Family and friends as you can get the loan with little or no interest.
When you want to move your business from an idea to execution, you would have to understand that you would test run things for a while before you would get the perfect fit. Scenario modelling could be a viable step to cut away some errors that might occur during that transition.

While funding is important, observability is one thing that you should not lose sight of in order to keep on tweaking. Taking a business just from an Idea to execution requires commitment, tenacity, foresight and resilience.