How to Request for Better Pay


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A lot of people get paid less than they should be getting simply because they do not know how to put forward a request for better pay.

If you feel you are getting less than you should, or you want to get paid more for the same job, here's how you can do it.

One quick way is to gain extra skills. It does not really have to be a degree. Find a problem your workplace needs solved for clients and figure out how to solve it. Go for an online workshop or free training. This will make your request more tangible. Know your value.

When you are making your request, use tact and don't just be forceful. Your manner of approach matters. Make the other person see reason behind your request.

If you want to request for more pay, never mention personal reasons. You should make it look professional. It should be all about the good job you do, not why you want more money.
I totally agree with you, it is good to always ask for a better pay but first you need to know your value. Knowing your worth will make you leave begging for what is rightly yours but go for it with self confidence and self worth

I agree that as one is making the request for a higher pay, it will be good to use tact and not just be forceful. it is all to make the other person see reason behind your request. nothing has ever be forcefully done.

it is not good to request for more pay and only mention personal reasons.