Saving Money How to reduce spending as an office worker


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As a working class, you would need to also cut your spending to save money for more important issues. There's always the rainy day or days that you can't run or cut corners with. You just have to face it, this is why it is important to devise ways of cutting down spending on less important things to save money.

The following can help you save money;

1.Take food (lunch)along with you to the office It can be expensive to eat out so you can reserve your money by cooking and taking along with you as your lunch after taking your breakfast.

2.Wake up early to take a walk to your office daily if your home isn't far from your office.

3. If you are a manager, you can cut out having a messenger if you don't really need one. You can do the little jobs available yourself to cut cost. it will even help you to be agile. This way you avoid spending for a messenger

4.If there's a free access to the gym and the clinic offered by the workplace you should use it than trying to pay for membership outside that will cause you more money. You would reduce your spending by going this route

What do you think?
Those are very good ways to cut down expenses as an office worker. I like that you have touched on all areas right from food, to transport, to physical exercise and to your medical needs. All these areas are so important to look at because this is where we spend most of our money in them.

I totally agree with that of cooking your own food and carrying it to your workplace. I totally understand that it is so expensive to eat out in a hotel or restaurant. But cooking your own food is so much cheaper and you eat a balanced diet to your fullest. The food is also more hygienic.

It is also great to save on food by growing your own food or taking some with you whenever you visit your rural home where crops are planted. Grown food much more cheaper and healthier than those that you buy.

Another way to save money for transportation apart from waling to your workplace is living near your workplace. You can look for rental houses that are near your workplace rather than renting space and still paying for fare. You can find an affordable space and rent such that you can walk to work without getting tired or spending money.