How to Get Your Website Ranked Faster on Search Engines


VIP Contributor
If your site is ranked high, you do not have to worry about traffic because people will find your website on search engine and they will visit your websites through search engines.

A great idea is to install a sitemap plug-in. This is an index of your website. A good site map is displayed in logical order so it’s easier for you. With a sitemap the search engines can crawl your content faster. Google Sitemap plugin will automatically generate an XML sitemap for your WordPress website and it will then help search engines index your blog.

Building backlinks on high authority site also greatly helps. When an authority site points to your website, search engines will rank your site higher. Wikipedia can be a great site to build backlinks. Another great site is Quora.
I think this is a very good insight for blogger because it can really help them to get their website rank faster on search engines. Quora is definitely one of the best platforms in which you can use to build both traffic and backlinks of your website and make a whole lot of money from blogging.
I have never really understood what a site map is, well I guess I haven't really gotten the use of it. Though am sure it's very important for sites to get ranked faster on Google. But well its a problem for another day since since don't own a blog yet. And when i do I'll just visit YouTube for information on them.

Thanks for this, I didn't even realise they had a plug in for site maps, which means it'll be easier than I thought to rank on Google. I guess ?
If you want to get ranked on search engines faster, make sure to publish unique content on your site. If you publish articles on the topics that are widely searched online but the topic is not covered online much, or even if they are covered, there are not many useful and interesting content.
One of the fastest way to get your website rank on Google search engine is to receive a backlink from an authority website. The backlink need to be a do follow one. This will help to pass a lot of link juice to your website and increase it authority of the domain. The link you are going to acquire for your website must be from a true method so as to avoid penalty from Google.