How to get money from opera news hub


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Opera Mini is a household name with more than 350 million users world wide. With120 millions users in Africa.

It's a Norwegian Browser developer that delved into the media industry by creating a stand-alone app called Opera News where you get to read relatable news content and articles on a daily basis.

To achieve their aim to serve their millions of audience, they started recruiting content creators who create a dashboard and post stories and articles on the platform.

They started in Nigeria in November 2019 with signed and unsigned writers.

Unsigned Writers are payed based on the number of clicks you have on your post(number of viewers)

You get verified after getting a minimum of 10,000 clicks and it is just quite easy to get

They are very sensitive in detecting plagiarism, grammatical errors and the articles first get to their proof readers before it is being published if it is good and rejected if bad

When you have many rejections you will be removed

How to get many viewers
1.Headline that captures readers attention

2.Headline that tell How e.g"How police arrested the alleged killers of ..."

3.Head line that unveils someone or something e.g"Meet the man who marry 21 wives on the same day"

3.Headline that reveal secret e.g "REVEALED: See the month of Cristiano Ronaldo's that he was hiding from the media"

4. headlines like Wizid Vs Davido: who has a better house in Banana island?

Kindly visit the Opera News Hub to create an account and start writing

You would also need to create an opay account .(that's where you get paid)

I'm ready to entertain your questions if any
I have worked on this site for months and I got a decent amount of money. The site has many writers across Africa and people are really making it big from it. When they released their monthly highest paid writers, I am usually amazed. Many used to earn above $1000 and I wonder how they do it. But the platform has its ways of paying people. I quitted because I felt cheated
I have worked on this site for months and I got a decent amount of money. The site has many writers across Africa and people are really making it big from it. When they released their monthly highest paid writers, I am usually amazed. Many used to earn above $1000 and I wonder how they do it. But the platform has its ways of paying people. I quitted because I felt cheated
Wow, that's Amazing. It was just a product of consistency and mastery.

Cheated in what sense if you wouldn't mind?