How to find best email marketing tool?


The best email marketing tool is the one that works for you.

Most people think of email as a means to communicate with customers, but it can also be used for sales and marketing, as well as customer support. The best way to figure out which one is right for your business is by using some simple testing methods.

One way to test your email service is by sending out a few test emails and gauging how many are opened and how many are clicked on. You can also use analytics tools like Google Analytics or Hubspot's Insights tool to see how many people get through your website after they receive an email from you.

Another way to test your email service is by sending out a bunch of different emails different subject lines, different images, etc and seeing what kind of response each one gets from prospects who open them up. You'll probably see some patterns emerge here: some people respond better than others; some aren't interested in what you're offering at all; etcetera.