How to ensure branding consistency for your brand.


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Consistency as define by the cambridge dictionary is, "the state or condition of always happening or behaving in the same way".

Brand consistency is the practice of always delivering messages that are in line with the identity and values of your brand.

This in essence means that every message sent out by your organization should represent what your brand stands for. For instance, your brand has a message of "superior quality", you should ensure that all adverts, and every piece of branding tool tells this message. We don't want you to tell us "superior quality" today. Tomorrow, you start preaching "it is cheaper than the others'. So, to ensure brand consistency

1) Define your brand: What is your brand identity? I see so many business owners jumping from one slogan to another. You need to have a defined brand identity. You can get that from your mission statement or something. You need to acsertain it to ensure brand consistency.

2) Define the colour schemes of your brand: It is clear that anytime you see a black themed adveert, it is likely Guineess. That's because they have defined the colour that identifies your brand. Possibly, let that colour be what you use in the office building. Get T-Shirts in that colour and customize it. Let people begin to say that company that likes wearing so so colour. Use the colour on your signposts.

3) Let your slogan be on every channel of communication your organization sends out: You force people to notice your brand by always pushing out your slogan at all times. Everything you use a communication channel, you should be pushing out your slogan.
I love brands that stay consistent and don't change as if someone is changing clothes. This boils down to the creativity of a brand manger in an organization. I love the way some organizations pursue brand consistency. It gets to the point that even 2 year olds can identify their brands.
Ensuring branding consistency for your brand involves creating and implementing guidelines for all elements of your brand, including your logo, messaging, tone, colors, and imagery. This can be done by creating a brand style guide that outlines the rules for how your brand should be presented in various mediums. It is also important to ensure that all employees and partners are familiar with the brand guidelines and are using them consistently across all channels. Additionally, conducting regular audits to check for consistency across all marketing materials and platforms can help ensure that your brand is being presented in a consistent manner.