Social Media How to create multiple Instagram accounts


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Reasons to Create Multiple Instagram Accounts

Why should you create and manage more than one Instagram account? There are a few benefits of having numerous profiles:

Separating personal life from your work.You don't want potential customers seeing what you get up to each weekend. Equally, bombarding mates with business-related posts won't strengthen your friendship.

Taking advantage of business perks. Having a work account gives you access to more analytical data which will help you grow your customer base. You can also pay for promoted advertisements, which isn't possible through a personal account.

Changing Privacy Settings. By having numerous accounts, you can have one accessible to anyone and another solely for people you personally know.

Maintaining different interests. If you want to keep followers, you need to cater to their expectations. By creating numerous profiles, you can manage what you put online and pitch certain interests to particular audiences.

How Many Instagram Accounts Can I Have?

It depends entirely on how many different options you have to sign up.

Instagram encourages you to sign in using an email address, phone number, and Facebook profile. If you don't connect your Facebook to a single Instagram account, that's three separate ways. You can also add more using different email addresses, so if you have one for work and one for your private life, you could use both of these.

Instagram only lets you add five accounts to one device. In theory, you can create more by changing names between profiles; however, you won't be able to easily switch profiles through the single app. Don't forget that you can sign in through a web browser too.

How to create a new Instagram account

There are two ways you can create an Instagram account: from the app on your iPhone and from the website on your computer. Below are instructions for creating an Instagram account on your iPhone:

1.Open your Instagram app.
2.Press the icon of your profile photo at the bottom-right of the screen.
3.Press your account name.
4.Select Add Account
5.Select Create New Account.
6.Create a username and password and fill out your profile details.
7.Press Next.

Why you get banned by Instagram?

While you can get a Instagram ban for various reasons, there’s no doubt they’re all regarded as a violation of Instagram policy. Here are two common scenarios:

First, Multiple accounts. Having more than one account is against Instagram policy. Second, Joint accounts. When an account is used by several people, certainly there will be inconsistencies in Account history- new devices, new geolocations, new behavior patterns,etc.This makes your account look suspicious.

How to avoid being banned by Instagram?

Being banned one account or even more might hinder your work. The best solution, therefore, is to stop inconsistencies from the first day when your accounts are created.

One account owns one specific information - geolocations, ID address, behavior patterns, etc. Then you need a separated browser to create specific information for each account. There are many excellent browsers, however AdsPower wins my heart. It provides separated profiles with unique fingerprints, it also provides RPA robot to emulate human behavior to complete repetitive tasks, which helps users to warm up their Instagram accounts.
I have actually been looking for a way to do this but I couldn’t just find out to do it, I guess it is because I am not an android user, I use iPhone, because I need this specifically for my business, being able to use two accounts on my phone will really help me in my career but it just seem like it is impossible, I would really appreciate it if anyone here in this forum knows a way to do that on iPhone, because the method explained up there looks like it will only work on android and probably other operating system.
I have actually been looking for a way to do this but I couldn’t just find out to do it, I guess it is because I am not an android user, I use iPhone, because I need this specifically for my business, being able to use two accounts on my phone will really help me in my career but it just seem like it is impossible, I would really appreciate it if anyone here in this forum knows a way to do that on iPhone, because the method explained up there looks like it will only work on android and probably other operating system.
As far as I know, adspower could only be used on computer, maybe you could find what you need on Google.
Why do you need multiple instagram accounts in the first place. Building followers on insagram is a hard work, you might a,so have to spend a lot of money on ads to build your instagram account, why not focus on your one account, instead of creating another account and trying to build followers. BY the way I have two accounts, one for personal use and one for marketing purpose.