How to Check Early Symptoms of High Blood Pressure


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What exactly is high blood pressure? Well, if your systolic pressure is around 180 and/or diastolic pressure is around 120, you have high blood pressure and you need to immediately consult a doctor. However, before your blood pressure reaches alarmingly high levels, you will be gradually experiencing high blood pressure. If the systolic pressure is higher than 130 and/or diastolic pressure is higher than 90, you are heading towards high blood pressure. Here are the symptoms to check out:

You will experience severe headaches frequently

You will experience vision problems

Your heart beat will be irregular, you will frequently hear pounding in your chest, neck and ears.

You might see blood in your urine (extreme symptom)

You will have trouble breathing

You will feel tightening in your chest, or chest pain

You will experience tiredness

You will have a lack of concentration, you will be confused

If your family has a history of high blood pressure, and if you are above 40 years of age, it makes sense to keep a blood pressure monitor at your home.
High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when the force of blood pushing through your vessels is consistently too high. Early detection is important, Hypertension typically develops over the course of several years. It is generally a silent condition. Many people won’t experience any symptoms. It may take A quite a long time even years for the condition to reach levels severe enough that symptoms become obvious. Even then, these symptoms may be attributed to other issues. The best way to know if you have hypertension is to get regular blood pressure readings.

High blood pressure usually shows no symptoms and it is often called "the silent killer." It starts showing symptoms when it has become really serious.

However, some of these symptoms are:
Terrible headaches, extreme tiredness and discomfort, difficulty in breathing and chest pain, blood in urine, problem with the sight, that is not seeing properly, sleeplessness, nose bleeding and many more.

High blood pressure is a potentially dangerous condition that often has no symptoms but can lead to a heart attack, stroke, and other life threatening conditions.

Without treatment or taking measures to manage blood pressure, excessive pressure on the artery walls can cause damage to the blood vessels, a form of cardiovascular disease. It can also damage vital organs.
It is important to see a doctor when you start feeling uneasy. It normal for any individual to form an habit of going for a check up regularly.
High blood pressure, and hypertension, are known to be the silent killer and one of the biggest health concerns worldwide. Many people do not even know that they have this condition until a doctor diagnoses it for them. Since high blood pressure can be tricky and dangerous, it is crucial to know how to check early symptoms and signs of high blood pressure and what to do if they are found. It is always good to know in advance, the signs of high blood pressure and it is simple to check them. If you are suffering from one or more of these symptoms it could be a sign of high blood pressure. Here are some of the early symptoms of high blood pressure: Headaches, Dizziness or faintness, Vision problems, Indigestion and heartburn, Excessive sweating, Shortness of breath, and coughing. RoyalVibe Health team has been providing the latest health tips and knowledge on how to stay fit, healthy, and happy. So you can also visit them.