How to always stay motivated in your business?


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How to always stay motivated in your business?

To stay motivated, you have to follow the 3-point rule:
• Point 1: define a clear and measurable objective
• Point 2: have a defined schedule to achieve our goal
• Point 3: create social pressure

Point 1: Objective
The goal is often short term (8 to 12 weeks) and it must always be in line with a long term goal.
The long-term goal is the one you want to achieve in 10 to 20 years.
The short term goal is the one that allows you to climb a step towards your long term goal.

Point 2: Planning
To plan your goal over 8 weeks, you can rely on ready-made guides. I read a lots of book of personal development and listen to tapes and
schedule that I use every 8 weeks.

Point 3: Social Pressure
Social pressure comes from those around you. The easiest is to share your goals on social networks as I did recently with my 30-day challenges:

And it works. I had a lot of difficulty launching projects to completion because I did not follow these 3 points.
By dint of reading books, and trying new techniques of concentration, I noticed that the problem did not come totally from my work environment but also from my objective which was vague.
With a vague goal, it is difficult to create a schedule to achieve it.
And since the objective is vague, your knowledge does not understand where you want to go and therefore how to help you. They take you for a weirdo because that's exactly the image you project.
So follow this series of tips that have helped me deeply:

• Get out of your comfort zone regularly
• Exercise every day
• Eat less meat
• Get more sleep

Motivation in your business is yours !!
These are some tips to help you stay motivated in your business:

Set goals and visualise the outcome. This is a very powerful tool for staying motivated. Visualising your success can help you stay focused on what you want and keep you focused on long-term goals.

Find ways to reward yourself. Rewarding yourself for reaching milestones is a great way to stay motivated in business, especially when things get tough. Find something that you truly enjoy doing and do it every time you reach a goal or complete a project.

Make sure your team understands why they’re doing what they’re doing, and how it will benefit them as well as the company overall. If people understand why they are doing what they are doing and how it benefits them, they will be more likely to stay motivated through difficult times and work hard towards achieving goals together as a team.

Listen to music while working – this can help keep your mind focused on completing tasks at hand rather than feeling bored or drowsy from sitting at your desk all day (even if it’s just background noise).
For myself, what actually keeps me motivated in my job or business is the reason I started in the first place. There are times I just feel like giving up, or I simply do not feeling working, what keeps me going is the reason why I started in the first place, I have so many things I plan on achieving, once I give up, it means I would never be able to achieve these goals.