How much human supervision does AI need for crypto trading?

I know my answer but I'm just trying to figure out where you guys stand on AI and crypto trading. The usual argument against AI is it can't make nuanced decisions - at least for now. But how much supervision do you think sophisticated bots require to make trading decisions effectively? And how long do you think it'll take to get to the point where AI doesn't need that supervision?
The level of human supervision required for AI-powered crypto trading depends on various factors, including the complexity of the trading strategy, the sophistication of the AI system, and the risk tolerance of the trader.

It's important to note that the level of human supervision required can vary across different AI systems and trading strategies. Some traders may prefer a more hands-on approach, closely monitoring and actively managing the AI system, while others may adopt a more passive supervisory role similar to Bitget AI powered trading Bot and a few others.

Ultimately, the decision on the level of human supervision depends on the trader's comfort level, experience, and the specific characteristics of the AI system being used for crypto trading.