How effective is the proverbial vegetable and fruit diet to lose weight?


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This topic does not apply to me because since I was young I have never experienced being overweight. It is my wife who is my target. She had tried the vegetable and fruit diet. That is a vegetarian meal that looked effective. She had lost 2 pounds in the first 5 days which was promising. At the end of the week she had lost 2.5 pounds. However, she quit before finishing the 2nd week because her taste buds were revolting. They probably wanted meat and fish that my wife said she might throw up if she would eat vegetables again for dinner.

I am now in a quandary on how to rate the vegetable and fruit diet. Is it really effective as I had seen in the more than a week? It was instrumental in losing some pounds. Maybe there should be another diet that is a cross between a vegetarian diet and a keto diet which the latter is getting popular now. What is your take on this diet issue?
If you know which vegetables to eat and how much to eat, vegetables are the perfect food for the human body. You will have to balance between legumes, tubers, and greens. By doing so you will feed the body with everything it needs such as carbs, proteins, minerals, etc. A vegetable diet is good for losing weight.