How do you handle stress at work ?



If there's hump day there's stress day also. In a week there's always a stress day and usually for me it's either Monday or Tuesday,but in the long run I learned how to handle it. I make sure that when stress day come I'm prepared and what I do is that I prepare coffee,dark chocolate and my wife. Yes, this are the things that helps me to get through the stress day. Coffee and dark chocolate are the best combination it makes me feel energized and chill. I won't get through my stress day without it gives me the boost to work and don't mind those papers that keeps coming and the non stop calls from the clients. My wife is definitely my greatest stress reliever, whenever stress day comes I just call my wife and vent out to her ad she gives me these jokes that make me laugh so hard and that I forget those stress that's coming. How about you how do you handle stress at work?
Hi! can anyone help me here? This is actually my post but when I posted it it appears that I'm log out and it shows that it was posted by a guest. Can anyone help me ?Thank you in advance. I don't know what happened I'm just typing and I know that I'm logged in but when I posted it this what happened it shows that I'm logged out and it's a post by a guest. I'm just new here and this is the first that it happened to me.
When I used to work as a waiter, stress is something I had to deal with every day.
I am hot headed and usually burst in seconds so I had my bad days.
What I tried to do ever since is close my eyes, breath deeply, exhale strongly and count to 10.
If a job gives you a constant stress, it is not your fault, it is jobs.I believe one should quit such a job.