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1. Meeting New People​

Meeting new people would be the largest difference, if I had to pick, that blogging has brought about in my life. I rarely make an effort to meet new people because I am an introvert and prefer to hang out with my close pals.

But networking through blogging feels natural and effortless. I have made some truly wonderful friends with whom I can talk about a wide range of hobbies and passions.

2. Re-Connect with Old Friends​

Unexpectedly, blogging has facilitated my reunion with former acquaintances. I find it challenging to establish friendships after having lived in so many different nations; as a result, we eventually grow away.
Thankfully, some of my old friends found my blog, and it's very touching to be able to rebuild that bond because of blogging. We now frequently exchange concepts and exciting passion projects for working on.

3. Secure more job interviews​

I used to be a little freelancer applying to multiple jobs every day before I started this blog. There was nothing particularly noteworthy on my resume, which was anything but engaging. I would say that only 15 of the 100 positions I applied for resulted in interviews.

I would have begun sooner if I had realized that blogging might raise the 15% interview percentage to 90%. I applied for 20 jobs this month, and 18 of them gave me the chance to interview.

To Be Continued.......
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well if you say so I won't argue but to me blogging haven't done anything for me yet but I know that soon it will as I won't give up on my blog untill I rank on the first page and that's something that every blogger wishes for everyday of his or her life I really want to learn SEO but nobody want to teach me which has really affected my blogging career if I wasn't a person with strong will of mind I would have quit blogging a long time ago but I just kept on pushing with the motive that with time it will all be better.

Well blogging has made me meet new people not while doing it but while researching on how to also be a successful blogger that was when I found out that it's a journey which I need to start quickly in other not to have any more competitors than I already have .
@marketer777 That is definitely an interesting perspective on blogging and its impact on your life. Meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends are both important aspects of social interaction and it's great that blogging has helped you in that regard. It can be challenging to maintain friendships when living in different places, so it's wonderful that you have found a way to reconnect through your blog. It's impressive that blogging has also helped you secure more job interviews.