Get Paid To Post: 5 Paying Websites


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The Partially Examined Life
The Partially Examined Life (Cultures) is a podcast and blog about philosophy that accepts book reviews, short posts about culture and ideas, and commentary on philosophy. You can contact them to inquire about their payment rate, which they do not disclose.

Great Escape Publishing
Great Escape Publishing accepts content about jobs that pay you to travel, such as writing, tourism, photography, or other related fields. Depending on the length and type of your article, they offer a variable payment of $50 to $200.

Due, a technical writer freelance job board, is a great resource for finding work on long-form and well-researched posts. Although you must have prior experience in technical writing, once you are accepted, you will be eligible for numerous lucrative offers.

PubLoft goes past furnishing you with independent work operations and takes the administration of your undertakings into its hands. You can concentrate on producing high-quality work while it finds and manages clients.

Contena is a good option if you're looking for high-quality writing assignments. It offers a wide range of high-quality projects for content creators, editors, and writers of all kinds. In addition, this website offers a wide range of remote full-time and freelance jobs.
I know Contena, however, I have never tried the platform, therefore, I cannot say how easy it is to get writing jobs through this platform and how much they pay for writing gigs. I don't know anything about other sites mentioned by the OP. It would have been better if the OP had shared the link to these sites. At least someone interested in trying out these sites would check the site and see if these sites are beneficial to them. There are numerous freelancing platforms specifically built for writers, however, these platforms accept professional writers. Professional writers mean someone who are proficient in language and writing. For people like us who are posting on forums to make few cents, these sites are not very useful because we don't have required skills to get the writing contracts on these websites. They have high expectations from the users who join as the writers.
I don't think the expectations will be that high. If you have the proficient skill of writing, your resume, and previous job samples. I don't think their will be hoodlums to stop your application being approved if they see quality. Writing on forums doesn't guarantee much earnings, even some writing gigs too. If you aren't earning up to 1,000$ weekly writing, then it means the gig isn't a high paying type. Here in paid to post sites, you can hardly earn 100$ monthly posting in different PTP sites. The best is learning something more tangible, writing creative articles brings more income than writing on PTP sites, that's one major difference.
1. Forums: Many forums pay members to post meaningful content that is helpful to other members. 2. Blogging: Several websites, such as BlogMutt, pay writers to write blog posts for their clients. 3. Social Media: Companies and brands may pay individuals to post content on their social media accounts. 4. Writing services: Sites such as UpWork, Fiverr and Freelancer often have writing jobs available that pay per post. 5. Content sites: Content sites like TextBroker, SkyWord and Constant Content pay writers to create content for their clients.
I have not heard about any of these sites. How come they are not popular and they don't even come out when someone is searching sites that pay people to post? You have not included their methods of giving payouts because it is the major determinant if a person would decide to work on a platform. It would not be nice for people to work and finish and end up finding out that you can't get your payment because of the payment platform. I think most of them use PayPal which is not available in all the countries of the world.

With these their high lay, are you sure they are sustainable development? Whetbks yhe way the site makes money to pay writers this much. I prefer a site with a small realistic pay than a bogus one that can't be sustainable. I won't even go near any of this sites.
Actually, I have not heard about most of these platforms before but there are still a lot of others I have ventured into in the past but I was not really successful on them.

The reason I didn't succeed on them was that I was not really consistent because I saw a YouTube video about a few of them and I just signed up an account without visiting the website again.

Some of them actually pays good amount of money if you can write good articles but it will be very hard for an average writer to succeed on this website. A website like listverse will take a lot of time before they can be able to accept your article but when the does, you will be paid $100 for each article.

Some people are actually capitalising on this opportunity to make some good amount of money for themselves especially professional writers.