Financial Independence For Women: A Step By Step Guide


VIP Contributor
Financial independence for women is a state that many people strive for. This can be a very difficult goal to achieve, especially if you have no idea how to make it happen. Here are some steps you can take that may help you get closer to financial independence:

1. Start collecting your own information from the internet and other sources. You may find that there are many different ways to do this, including affiliate marketing, blogging, and social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

2. Find out what your personal credit score is and whether or not this affects your ability to buy things in the future. You can also look at other factors such as how much money you make per year or what type of debtors you currently owe money on (student loans?).

3. Start saving for retirement as soon as possible. you'll want to start saving at least 10% of your income by the time you're 30 (and I recommend putting 20% away!). Save into an IRA or 401(k) plan if that's your thing but do whatever makes sense for your situation! Just make sure it goes in somewhere where it won't be taxed later (check with your tax expert if needed).

3. Seek out advice from people who specialize in helping others achieve their personal goals such as a personal finance expert or financial planner.