Earn money fast using social media

melvin cuffee

New member
I never used social media until I found out how to make money from it. I use it for free advertising to earn thousands of dollars weekly. This is not a scam or fraud 100% legit. Sign up and get 25 bucks instantly. It wont cost a thing..for more questions about how I do it..you can email me at thebestchefnbmore33@ yahoo.com
Can you provide us with more details about this earning activity? To be frank, I have doubts when it comes to earnings that require capital but this one looks like there is no capital needed and the advertising is just a marketing chore. My question with that $25 for signing, can it be immediately withdrawn from Paypal or is there a hibernating period or perhaps a minimum amount required to withdraw? If this is not a scam or fraud as you said, why the need to email you for details? Post it here, okay?
I'm surprised he hasn't responded yet. Guess its "real"