Earn from RedBubble: Using New social media site named Parler...


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Redbubble is a product design & selling site where you are given the opportunity to earn via sale of graphic designed products which are readymade available on some sites which I am going to tell ahead.

First step will be come to this Redbuuble site and sign up for FREE and then go to site where you can get readymade graphic designs for free, one of which is Snapppet.com . Here on the site, you will get readymade designs and also you can customize the designs putting your logo if you have or any sort of editing. Then, download the image. Although the download will not work unless you have the premium version but no worries as you can take screenshot of the required and use it further.

Now, as you have made the design you have to go to Redbubble and choose a product like t-shirts, pillows, phone covers, etc. and start editing
that according to yourself putting the graphic design you downloaded and you can paste it on your product and edit further on Redbuuble if you like. The product is final now and ready for sale after you put some title and captions to your product and you can set your own price on Redbubble. Now, take that URL where your products are shown below and for these you have to make the sale so that you can collect your earnings.

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Next thing for sale, come to Parler site which is quite new and pick the niche your product design is related and follow those people and start posting content and also send direct message to those to review your products via link and if they purchase you will earn money.
Payment can be taken via PayPal and other options too.

Comment down for any questions...
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