Don't let age force a career on you

How old are you? That's one question that makes alot of people shiver.

You know, when you are younger, and you are asked your age, you will happily say it, maybe 7 years, or 11 years, or 15 years, etc but as you grow older, some et of people begin to hide their age because they are still below what they feel they ought to have achieved .

Try asking an elderly person how old is he or she, the person might not give you an answer out of shame of being below their expected dream.

But everyone's time is not the same. A person may achieve his career goal at age 22, another at age 30, another at age 45, and some even older.

So don't always feel down or change your dream because of your age.
Stick to that your career goal and work towards it, don't let age change it
How old are you? That's one question that makes alot of people shiver.

You know, when you are younger, and you are asked your age, you will happily say it, maybe 7 years, or 11 years, or 15 years, etc but as you grow older, some et of people begin to hide their age because they are still below what they feel they ought to have achieved .

Try asking an elderly person how old is he or she, the person might not give you an answer out of shame of being below their expected dream.

But everyone's time is not the same. A person may achieve his career goal at age 22, another at age 30, another at age 45, and some even older.

So don't always feel down or change your dream because of your age.
Stick to that your career goal and work towards it, don't let age change it
Age is not a barrier when it comes to career path. It is never too late to make your mark. Remember the story of KFC owner Colonel Sanders. He started KFC when he was 66 years old and by 80 he was already a billionaire. He did not let age dictate to him what he should do. We all have different timelines, don't be pushed by other people's own. Trust the process, don't rush it. What will be will be as long as you put in the effort and don't give up. When it comes to career path, you are not too late and you are not too early, you are on time.