
New member
Make money from online surveys

Research companies love real feedback from genuine people and will pay for your opinions.
The income varies and most are pretty low but, if you stick to it, the amounts can soon add up. Some will pay up to £3 per survey.
Try Valued Opinions or Toluna.

Enter Competitions

You know all the hundreds of competitions you see that pop up all over the internet?
Well, some of them are worth it.
There are literally thousands of competitions online every day offering prizes from cash to cars and holidays to hoovers.
Honestly, I’m sure many of them are scams of some sort.
However, you can use competition search sites such as The Prize Finder to help sift out the fake competitions.
The Prize Finder has regularly updated lists of free competitions and will email you the latest opportunities.
Just be sure to check all the terms and conditions of each one you do to make sure they are genuinely free and won’t request a monthly fee when signing up.

Where to start: The Prize Finder.

Test Apps

You can earn a bit of extra cash in your spare time by testing apps.
It can be a simple and fun way to make money by using your phone or tablet.
You can sign up to Ubertesters, this third party platform will give you an opportunity to start earning money by simply testing apps and giving your opinion.
Where to start: Ubertesters.

Amazon FBA

FBA stands for ‘fulfilment by Amazon’.
It involves Amazon looking after all of the seller’s stock.
When a customer places an order, the order goes straight to the FBA warehouse.
Amazon is then responsible for picking out the order and delivering it to the customer.
The seller isn’t part of that process at all.
The FBA model also means Amazon will deal with all the customer service, including returns and refunds.
If you have a product in mind for this model, you can use a market research tool like Jungle Scout to see how well it might perform.

Buy and sell domains

A domain name is a website's address and they can hold a lot of value.
Buying domain names relating to up-and-coming trends or topics can be a good source of profit as their value can rise exponentially.
If you’re lucky, a big brand will identify your domain and make a chunky offer to take it off your hands.
There's definitely an art to spotting the right, potentially highly lucrative domain names to buy at the early stage when they are still affordable.

Look for the best domain name deals at GoDaddy.

Publish an eBook

Emerging writers can make it big online, thanks to the self-publishing services offered by sites like Amazon.
Thanks to Kindles and other e-readers, sales of eBook sales are booming, so don't miss out if you have a brilliant book idea. Becoming an eBook author is a great step up if you are already a blogger, and can allow you to start making serious cash - but beware of the pitfalls.
Make sure you're writing about a subject that you genuinely care and are knowledgeable about, and remember that you will need to be disciplined and organised.

Make money from home with forum posts

If you’re a regular contributor to online forums and a trusted member of some communities, you can monetise that. If other users are likely to trust your advice, you can make money by recommending products and services.
You can giving people the chance to feature their website link or banner in your forum signature on exchange for a fee or a commission.
Alternatively, you can use affiliate links of your own to make money online.

Proof Read Content

Calling all teachers out there!
This is perfect for you if you have a good eye for spotting grammatical, punctuation, typographical and formatting errors.
As a proofreader, your task is to spot and correct these mistakes.
You can use tools like Grammarly to help you speed up the process.
So, if you have excellent attention to detail, doing some online work as a proofreader could be ideal for you.

Where to start: Market your services on Upwork, Fiverr.

Post On Social Media

If you have any sort of following (doesn’t necessarily have to be large) on a social media platform, you could make money by posting content.
Brands are on the lookout for people who meet certain criteria to promote their products or service.
Some brands may be willing to pay (or send you free trials and products) in return for you posting on your social media.
You can also make money from your social media by sending people to content that contains your affiliate links.
If someone buys a service or product through your link, you’ll make a commission.

Where to start: Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media platforms for this method. You could try reaching out to businesses relevant to your interests.

Sell Your Recipes

Do you have a passion for cooking?
Are your friends and family always asking you for your recipes?
If so, you have the potential to turn your cooking hobby into a money-making opportunity.
You can make money by setting up a free Etsy store to sell your recipes.
I searched for ‘cake recipes’ and found recipes ranging from £0.50 to around £5 with plenty of sales on Etsy.

Where to start: Etsy.


Are you a great photographer?
It’s possible to sell your photos online.
Many individuals, businesses, bloggers, news and media companies are constantly on the lookout for stock imagery to use within their content.
It’s common for them to purchase photos from stock agencies.
By joining a stock agency like Shutterstock, you can upload your photo’s and start earning commissions every time people use your images.

Where to start: Shutterstock.

Narrate Audio Books

As audiobooks increase in popularity and become evermore practical, there is a demand for narrators and voice over artists.
You essentially only need a decent quality microphone and some professional recording equipment to get started.
You can narrate for self-published eBook authors, ad campaigns or even animated YouTube content.

Where to start: Market your services on Fiverr.

Transcribe Audio

Transcribers convert audio into text.
This can be from audio recordings or from videos to use as subtitles.
There are third-party sites such as Casting Words that allow you to sign up for free and take on transcribing work when it suits you.
Where to start: Casting Words.

Make money from stocks and shares.

Investing in stocks and shares might seem like a daunting prospect but there's a host of sites that make it easier than ever. Services such as EasyMarkets, are aimed helping popularise investment in stocks and shares, and offer to guide customers through the process. They can't promise to make you a millionaire overnight but they will help you put your financial skills to the test.

Start Drop shipping to earn extra cash

Preface: this technique is somewhat saturated, so make sure you do your research before hand.

Droppshipping works by sourcing a product to sell online, usually found on sites like Alibaba, then creating a listing for that product on buy and sell sites. If you get a buyer then you contact the supplier and get them to ship the product directly to the buyer. This means you never hold any physical stock which bypasses a large risk element while also negating the need to have a large storage area.

You're essentially the middleman (or woman) between the buyer and the supplier.

Margins can be low but if you hit on the right product and sell large amounts then you will be turning a healthy profit. Seasonal products tend to work best, for example snow globes or halloween decorations.

YouTube Videos

On demand video is taking over how we consume information and news. Compared to five years ago there are tens of thousands of people making a fortune from YouTube's Partner Program. You collect revenue based on how many views your video gets, as well as likes and by getting subscribers. It opens up a world of affiliate and sponsorship deals and can lead to a very healthy wage.

It's all about finding a niche within the YouTube community and uploading interesting videos based on that. Go for something you're already interested in, that way you can bring the right energy to your videos to engage people. It may be a slow start but once you gather up momentum it could become a full time career.

Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. Throughout the years, its popularity has gone up and down, but it continues to prove to be a stable way to make money online. The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can be an affiliate for nearly any company.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a living by promoting other brands. If you’re a savvy marketer, you can earn a commission from sales by promoting retail products, software, apps, and more. While earning a commission may seem small, keep in mind that you can be an affiliate for several brands and include several affiliate links on a single blog post.

I hope this list has opened your eyes to some of the new online opportunities that are currently going about at the moment.
These methods will require you to do your research firsts as to ensure you understand all the ins and outs.

Remember you will need to give this your time and effort.Please do try to stick with it and learn everything you can and then become a master at what ever you decide to do.

Enjoy the journey and I wish you all the success in the years ahead.

Regards -> NegociosCPM2021
Investing in cryptocurrencies is one of the best ways to make money in 2021. The beautiful thing about it is that you don't need to be a pro, you just have to learn the basics and install a wallet or exchanger and buy a coin of your choice after you might have made your research, keep it when the value rises your sell it and make a profit. It has really helped me a lot and of course I can testify to it.
Make money from online surveys

Research companies love real feedback from genuine people and will pay for your opinions.
The income varies and most are pretty low but, if you stick to it, the amounts can soon add up. Some will pay up to £3 per survey.
Try Valued Opinions or Toluna.

Enter Competitions

You know all the hundreds of competitions you see that pop up all over the internet?
Well, some of them are worth it.
There are literally thousands of competitions online every day offering prizes from cash to cars and holidays to hoovers.
Honestly, I’m sure many of them are scams of some sort.
However, you can use competition search sites such as The Prize Finder to help sift out the fake competitions.
The Prize Finder has regularly updated lists of free competitions and will email you the latest opportunities.
Just be sure to check all the terms and conditions of each one you do to make sure they are genuinely free and won’t request a monthly fee when signing up.

Where to start: The Prize Finder.

Test Apps

You can earn a bit of extra cash in your spare time by testing apps.
It can be a simple and fun way to make money by using your phone or tablet.
You can sign up to Ubertesters, this third party platform will give you an opportunity to start earning money by simply testing apps and giving your opinion.
Where to start: Ubertesters.

Amazon FBA

FBA stands for ‘fulfilment by Amazon’.
It involves Amazon looking after all of the seller’s stock.
When a customer places an order, the order goes straight to the FBA warehouse.
Amazon is then responsible for picking out the order and delivering it to the customer.
The seller isn’t part of that process at all.
The FBA model also means Amazon will deal with all the customer service, including returns and refunds.
If you have a product in mind for this model, you can use a market research tool like Jungle Scout to see how well it might perform.

Buy and sell domains

A domain name is a website's address and they can hold a lot of value.
Buying domain names relating to up-and-coming trends or topics can be a good source of profit as their value can rise exponentially.
If you’re lucky, a big brand will identify your domain and make a chunky offer to take it off your hands.
There's definitely an art to spotting the right, potentially highly lucrative domain names to buy at the early stage when they are still affordable.

Look for the best domain name deals at GoDaddy.

Publish an eBook

Emerging writers can make it big online, thanks to the self-publishing services offered by sites like Amazon.
Thanks to Kindles and other e-readers, sales of eBook sales are booming, so don't miss out if you have a brilliant book idea. Becoming an eBook author is a great step up if you are already a blogger, and can allow you to start making serious cash - but beware of the pitfalls.
Make sure you're writing about a subject that you genuinely care and are knowledgeable about, and remember that you will need to be disciplined and organised.

Make money from home with forum posts

If you’re a regular contributor to online forums and a trusted member of some communities, you can monetise that. If other users are likely to trust your advice, you can make money by recommending products and services.
You can giving people the chance to feature their website link or banner in your forum signature on exchange for a fee or a commission.
Alternatively, you can use affiliate links of your own to make money online.

Proof Read Content

Calling all teachers out there!
This is perfect for you if you have a good eye for spotting grammatical, punctuation, typographical and formatting errors.
As a proofreader, your task is to spot and correct these mistakes.
You can use tools like Grammarly to help you speed up the process.
So, if you have excellent attention to detail, doing some online work as a proofreader could be ideal for you.

Where to start: Market your services on Upwork, Fiverr.

Post On Social Media

If you have any sort of following (doesn’t necessarily have to be large) on a social media platform, you could make money by posting content.
Brands are on the lookout for people who meet certain criteria to promote their products or service.
Some brands may be willing to pay (or send you free trials and products) in return for you posting on your social media.
You can also make money from your social media by sending people to content that contains your affiliate links.
If someone buys a service or product through your link, you’ll make a commission.

Where to start: Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media platforms for this method. You could try reaching out to businesses relevant to your interests.

Sell Your Recipes

Do you have a passion for cooking?
Are your friends and family always asking you for your recipes?
If so, you have the potential to turn your cooking hobby into a money-making opportunity.
You can make money by setting up a free Etsy store to sell your recipes.
I searched for ‘cake recipes’ and found recipes ranging from £0.50 to around £5 with plenty of sales on Etsy.

Where to start: Etsy.


Are you a great photographer?
It’s possible to sell your photos online.
Many individuals, businesses, bloggers, news and media companies are constantly on the lookout for stock imagery to use within their content.
It’s common for them to purchase photos from stock agencies.
By joining a stock agency like Shutterstock, you can upload your photo’s and start earning commissions every time people use your images.

Where to start: Shutterstock.

Narrate Audio Books

As audiobooks increase in popularity and become evermore practical, there is a demand for narrators and voice over artists.
You essentially only need a decent quality microphone and some professional recording equipment to get started.
You can narrate for self-published eBook authors, ad campaigns or even animated YouTube content.

Where to start: Market your services on Fiverr.

Transcribe Audio

Transcribers convert audio into text.
This can be from audio recordings or from videos to use as subtitles.
There are third-party sites such as Casting Words that allow you to sign up for free and take on transcribing work when it suits you.
Where to start: Casting Words.

Make money from stocks and shares.

Investing in stocks and shares might seem like a daunting prospect but there's a host of sites that make it easier than ever. Services such as EasyMarkets, are aimed helping popularise investment in stocks and shares, and offer to guide customers through the process. They can't promise to make you a millionaire overnight but they will help you put your financial skills to the test.

Start Drop shipping to earn extra cash

Preface: this technique is somewhat saturated, so make sure you do your research before hand.

Droppshipping works by sourcing a product to sell online, usually found on sites like Alibaba, then creating a listing for that product on buy and sell sites. If you get a buyer then you contact the supplier and get them to ship the product directly to the buyer. This means you never hold any physical stock which bypasses a large risk element while also negating the need to have a large storage area.

You're essentially the middleman (or woman) between the buyer and the supplier.

Margins can be low but if you hit on the right product and sell large amounts then you will be turning a healthy profit. Seasonal products tend to work best, for example snow globes or halloween decorations.

YouTube Videos

On demand video is taking over how we consume information and news. Compared to five years ago there are tens of thousands of people making a fortune from YouTube's Partner Program. You collect revenue based on how many views your video gets, as well as likes and by getting subscribers. It opens up a world of affiliate and sponsorship deals and can lead to a very healthy wage.

It's all about finding a niche within the YouTube community and uploading interesting videos based on that. Go for something you're already interested in, that way you can bring the right energy to your videos to engage people. It may be a slow start but once you gather up momentum it could become a full time career.

Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. Throughout the years, its popularity has gone up and down, but it continues to prove to be a stable way to make money online. The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can be an affiliate for nearly any company.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a living by promoting other brands. If you’re a savvy marketer, you can earn a commission from sales by promoting retail products, software, apps, and more. While earning a commission may seem small, keep in mind that you can be an affiliate for several brands and include several affiliate links on a single blog post.

I hope this list has opened your eyes to some of the new online opportunities that are currently going about at the moment.
These methods will require you to do your research firsts as to ensure you understand all the ins and outs.

Remember you will need to give this your time and effort.Please do try to stick with it and learn everything you can and then become a master at what ever you decide to do.

Enjoy the journey and I wish you all the success in the years ahead.

Regards -> NegociosCPM2021
Thanks for your information, i apreciate it
Make money from online surveys

Research companies love real feedback from genuine people and will pay for your opinions.
The income varies and most are pretty low but, if you stick to it, the amounts can soon add up. Some will pay up to £3 per survey.
Try Valued Opinions or Toluna.

Enter Competitions

You know all the hundreds of competitions you see that pop up all over the internet?
Well, some of them are worth it.
There are literally thousands of competitions online every day offering prizes from cash to cars and holidays to hoovers.
Honestly, I’m sure many of them are scams of some sort.
However, you can use competition search sites such as The Prize Finder to help sift out the fake competitions.
The Prize Finder has regularly updated lists of free competitions and will email you the latest opportunities.
Just be sure to check all the terms and conditions of each one you do to make sure they are genuinely free and won’t request a monthly fee when signing up.

Where to start: The Prize Finder.

Test Apps

You can earn a bit of extra cash in your spare time by testing apps.
It can be a simple and fun way to make money by using your phone or tablet.
You can sign up to Ubertesters, this third party platform will give you an opportunity to start earning money by simply testing apps and giving your opinion.
Where to start: Ubertesters.

Amazon FBA

FBA stands for ‘fulfilment by Amazon’.
It involves Amazon looking after all of the seller’s stock.
When a customer places an order, the order goes straight to the FBA warehouse.
Amazon is then responsible for picking out the order and delivering it to the customer.
The seller isn’t part of that process at all.
The FBA model also means Amazon will deal with all the customer service, including returns and refunds.
If you have a product in mind for this model, you can use a market research tool like Jungle Scout to see how well it might perform.

Buy and sell domains

A domain name is a website's address and they can hold a lot of value.
Buying domain names relating to up-and-coming trends or topics can be a good source of profit as their value can rise exponentially.
If you’re lucky, a big brand will identify your domain and make a chunky offer to take it off your hands.
There's definitely an art to spotting the right, potentially highly lucrative domain names to buy at the early stage when they are still affordable.

Look for the best domain name deals at GoDaddy.

Publish an eBook

Emerging writers can make it big online, thanks to the self-publishing services offered by sites like Amazon.
Thanks to Kindles and other e-readers, sales of eBook sales are booming, so don't miss out if you have a brilliant book idea. Becoming an eBook author is a great step up if you are already a blogger, and can allow you to start making serious cash - but beware of the pitfalls.
Make sure you're writing about a subject that you genuinely care and are knowledgeable about, and remember that you will need to be disciplined and organised.

Make money from home with forum posts

If you’re a regular contributor to online forums and a trusted member of some communities, you can monetise that. If other users are likely to trust your advice, you can make money by recommending products and services.
You can giving people the chance to feature their website link or banner in your forum signature on exchange for a fee or a commission.
Alternatively, you can use affiliate links of your own to make money online.

Proof Read Content

Calling all teachers out there!
This is perfect for you if you have a good eye for spotting grammatical, punctuation, typographical and formatting errors.
As a proofreader, your task is to spot and correct these mistakes.
You can use tools like Grammarly to help you speed up the process.
So, if you have excellent attention to detail, doing some online work as a proofreader could be ideal for you.

Where to start: Market your services on Upwork, Fiverr.

Post On Social Media

If you have any sort of following (doesn’t necessarily have to be large) on a social media platform, you could make money by posting content.
Brands are on the lookout for people who meet certain criteria to promote their products or service.
Some brands may be willing to pay (or send you free trials and products) in return for you posting on your social media.
You can also make money from your social media by sending people to content that contains your affiliate links.
If someone buys a service or product through your link, you’ll make a commission.

Where to start: Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media platforms for this method. You could try reaching out to businesses relevant to your interests.

Sell Your Recipes

Do you have a passion for cooking?
Are your friends and family always asking you for your recipes?
If so, you have the potential to turn your cooking hobby into a money-making opportunity.
You can make money by setting up a free Etsy store to sell your recipes.
I searched for ‘cake recipes’ and found recipes ranging from £0.50 to around £5 with plenty of sales on Etsy.

Where to start: Etsy.


Are you a great photographer?
It’s possible to sell your photos online.
Many individuals, businesses, bloggers, news and media companies are constantly on the lookout for stock imagery to use within their content.
It’s common for them to purchase photos from stock agencies.
By joining a stock agency like Shutterstock, you can upload your photo’s and start earning commissions every time people use your images.

Where to start: Shutterstock.

Narrate Audio Books

As audiobooks increase in popularity and become evermore practical, there is a demand for narrators and voice over artists.
You essentially only need a decent quality microphone and some professional recording equipment to get started.
You can narrate for self-published eBook authors, ad campaigns or even animated YouTube content.

Where to start: Market your services on Fiverr.

Transcribe Audio

Transcribers convert audio into text.
This can be from audio recordings or from videos to use as subtitles.
There are third-party sites such as Casting Words that allow you to sign up for free and take on transcribing work when it suits you.
Where to start: Casting Words.

Make money from stocks and shares.

Investing in stocks and shares might seem like a daunting prospect but there's a host of sites that make it easier than ever. Services such as EasyMarkets, are aimed helping popularise investment in stocks and shares, and offer to guide customers through the process. They can't promise to make you a millionaire overnight but they will help you put your financial skills to the test.

Start Drop shipping to earn extra cash

Preface: this technique is somewhat saturated, so make sure you do your research before hand.

Droppshipping works by sourcing a product to sell online, usually found on sites like Alibaba, then creating a listing for that product on buy and sell sites. If you get a buyer then you contact the supplier and get them to ship the product directly to the buyer. This means you never hold any physical stock which bypasses a large risk element while also negating the need to have a large storage area.

You're essentially the middleman (or woman) between the buyer and the supplier.

Margins can be low but if you hit on the right product and sell large amounts then you will be turning a healthy profit. Seasonal products tend to work best, for example snow globes or halloween decorations.

YouTube Videos

On demand video is taking over how we consume information and news. Compared to five years ago there are tens of thousands of people making a fortune from YouTube's Partner Program. You collect revenue based on how many views your video gets, as well as likes and by getting subscribers. It opens up a world of affiliate and sponsorship deals and can lead to a very healthy wage.

It's all about finding a niche within the YouTube community and uploading interesting videos based on that. Go for something you're already interested in, that way you can bring the right energy to your videos to engage people. It may be a slow start but once you gather up momentum it could become a full time career.

Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. Throughout the years, its popularity has gone up and down, but it continues to prove to be a stable way to make money online. The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can be an affiliate for nearly any company.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a living by promoting other brands. If you’re a savvy marketer, you can earn a commission from sales by promoting retail products, software, apps, and more. While earning a commission may seem small, keep in mind that you can be an affiliate for several brands and include several affiliate links on a single blog post.

I hope this list has opened your eyes to some of the new online opportunities that are currently going about at the moment.
These methods will require you to do your research firsts as to ensure you understand all the ins and outs.

Remember you will need to give this your time and effort.Please do try to stick with it and learn everything you can and then become a master at what ever you decide to do.

Enjoy the journey and I wish you all the success in the years ahead.

Regards -> NegociosCPM2021
I think it is easier to get paid to post on forums. Survey or others that you mentioned are more difficult to do especially low tier countries in completing the survey. Also other options require special skills to be able to make money in it such as YouTube or photography. Although it is a way of making more money. But for beginners this is certainly not a good starting choice.
Make money from online surveys

Research companies love real feedback from genuine people and will pay for your opinions.
The income varies and most are pretty low but, if you stick to it, the amounts can soon add up. Some will pay up to £3 per survey.
Try Valued Opinions or Toluna.

Enter Competitions

You know all the hundreds of competitions you see that pop up all over the internet?
Well, some of them are worth it.
There are literally thousands of competitions online every day offering prizes from cash to cars and holidays to hoovers.
Honestly, I’m sure many of them are scams of some sort.
However, you can use competition search sites such as The Prize Finder to help sift out the fake competitions.
The Prize Finder has regularly updated lists of free competitions and will email you the latest opportunities.
Just be sure to check all the terms and conditions of each one you do to make sure they are genuinely free and won’t request a monthly fee when signing up.

Where to start: The Prize Finder.

Test Apps

You can earn a bit of extra cash in your spare time by testing apps.
It can be a simple and fun way to make money by using your phone or tablet.
You can sign up to Ubertesters, this third party platform will give you an opportunity to start earning money by simply testing apps and giving your opinion.
Where to start: Ubertesters.

Amazon FBA

FBA stands for ‘fulfilment by Amazon’.
It involves Amazon looking after all of the seller’s stock.
When a customer places an order, the order goes straight to the FBA warehouse.
Amazon is then responsible for picking out the order and delivering it to the customer.
The seller isn’t part of that process at all.
The FBA model also means Amazon will deal with all the customer service, including returns and refunds.
If you have a product in mind for this model, you can use a market research tool like Jungle Scout to see how well it might perform.

Buy and sell domains

A domain name is a website's address and they can hold a lot of value.
Buying domain names relating to up-and-coming trends or topics can be a good source of profit as their value can rise exponentially.
If you’re lucky, a big brand will identify your domain and make a chunky offer to take it off your hands.
There's definitely an art to spotting the right, potentially highly lucrative domain names to buy at the early stage when they are still affordable.

Look for the best domain name deals at GoDaddy.

Publish an eBook

Emerging writers can make it big online, thanks to the self-publishing services offered by sites like Amazon.
Thanks to Kindles and other e-readers, sales of eBook sales are booming, so don't miss out if you have a brilliant book idea. Becoming an eBook author is a great step up if you are already a blogger, and can allow you to start making serious cash - but beware of the pitfalls.
Make sure you're writing about a subject that you genuinely care and are knowledgeable about, and remember that you will need to be disciplined and organised.

Make money from home with forum posts

If you’re a regular contributor to online forums and a trusted member of some communities, you can monetise that. If other users are likely to trust your advice, you can make money by recommending products and services.
You can giving people the chance to feature their website link or banner in your forum signature on exchange for a fee or a commission.
Alternatively, you can use affiliate links of your own to make money online.

Proof Read Content

Calling all teachers out there!
This is perfect for you if you have a good eye for spotting grammatical, punctuation, typographical and formatting errors.
As a proofreader, your task is to spot and correct these mistakes.
You can use tools like Grammarly to help you speed up the process.
So, if you have excellent attention to detail, doing some online work as a proofreader could be ideal for you.

Where to start: Market your services on Upwork, Fiverr.

Post On Social Media

If you have any sort of following (doesn’t necessarily have to be large) on a social media platform, you could make money by posting content.
Brands are on the lookout for people who meet certain criteria to promote their products or service.
Some brands may be willing to pay (or send you free trials and products) in return for you posting on your social media.
You can also make money from your social media by sending people to content that contains your affiliate links.
If someone buys a service or product through your link, you’ll make a commission.

Where to start: Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media platforms for this method. You could try reaching out to businesses relevant to your interests.

Sell Your Recipes

Do you have a passion for cooking?
Are your friends and family always asking you for your recipes?
If so, you have the potential to turn your cooking hobby into a money-making opportunity.
You can make money by setting up a free Etsy store to sell your recipes.
I searched for ‘cake recipes’ and found recipes ranging from £0.50 to around £5 with plenty of sales on Etsy.

Where to start: Etsy.


Are you a great photographer?
It’s possible to sell your photos online.
Many individuals, businesses, bloggers, news and media companies are constantly on the lookout for stock imagery to use within their content.
It’s common for them to purchase photos from stock agencies.
By joining a stock agency like Shutterstock, you can upload your photo’s and start earning commissions every time people use your images.

Where to start: Shutterstock.

Narrate Audio Books

As audiobooks increase in popularity and become evermore practical, there is a demand for narrators and voice over artists.
You essentially only need a decent quality microphone and some professional recording equipment to get started.
You can narrate for self-published eBook authors, ad campaigns or even animated YouTube content.

Where to start: Market your services on Fiverr.

Transcribe Audio

Transcribers convert audio into text.
This can be from audio recordings or from videos to use as subtitles.
There are third-party sites such as Casting Words that allow you to sign up for free and take on transcribing work when it suits you.
Where to start: Casting Words.

Make money from stocks and shares.

Investing in stocks and shares might seem like a daunting prospect but there's a host of sites that make it easier than ever. Services such as EasyMarkets, are aimed helping popularise investment in stocks and shares, and offer to guide customers through the process. They can't promise to make you a millionaire overnight but they will help you put your financial skills to the test.

Start Drop shipping to earn extra cash

Preface: this technique is somewhat saturated, so make sure you do your research before hand.

Droppshipping works by sourcing a product to sell online, usually found on sites like Alibaba, then creating a listing for that product on buy and sell sites. If you get a buyer then you contact the supplier and get them to ship the product directly to the buyer. This means you never hold any physical stock which bypasses a large risk element while also negating the need to have a large storage area.

You're essentially the middleman (or woman) between the buyer and the supplier.

Margins can be low but if you hit on the right product and sell large amounts then you will be turning a healthy profit. Seasonal products tend to work best, for example snow globes or halloween decorations.

YouTube Videos

On demand video is taking over how we consume information and news. Compared to five years ago there are tens of thousands of people making a fortune from YouTube's Partner Program. You collect revenue based on how many views your video gets, as well as likes and by getting subscribers. It opens up a world of affiliate and sponsorship deals and can lead to a very healthy wage.

It's all about finding a niche within the YouTube community and uploading interesting videos based on that. Go for something you're already interested in, that way you can bring the right energy to your videos to engage people. It may be a slow start but once you gather up momentum it could become a full time career.

Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. Throughout the years, its popularity has gone up and down, but it continues to prove to be a stable way to make money online. The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can be an affiliate for nearly any company.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a living by promoting other brands. If you’re a savvy marketer, you can earn a commission from sales by promoting retail products, software, apps, and more. While earning a commission may seem small, keep in mind that you can be an affiliate for several brands and include several affiliate links on a single blog post.

I hope this list has opened your eyes to some of the new online opportunities that are currently going about at the moment.
These methods will require you to do your research firsts as to ensure you understand all the ins and outs.

Remember you will need to give this your time and effort.Please do try to stick with it and learn everything you can and then become a master at what ever you decide to do.

Enjoy the journey and I wish you all the success in the years ahead.

Regards -> NegociosCPM2021
Thanks your information and more informative
Technology has blessed us with various ways of making money online. There plethora ways of making money online these days. Money can be made through rendering services to people like photography, designing and web developing. These skills generate huge sum of amount for the users. And for passive income, you can still involve in PTC
Making money online is not a new thing but the problem is finding the right and legit site to start making money I have used a lot of website that promises it users money for just performing little tasks but the best so far is this is a legit website with 100% free registration and no investment needed all you have to do is to click on ads and getting paid one interesting feature about this website is that it earnings are high and payouts are never delayed
Make money from online surveys

Research companies love real feedback from genuine people and will pay for your opinions.
The income varies and most are pretty low but, if you stick to it, the amounts can soon add up. Some will pay up to £3 per survey.
Try Valued Opinions or Toluna.

Enter Competitions

You know all the hundreds of competitions you see that pop up all over the internet?
Well, some of them are worth it.
There are literally thousands of competitions online every day offering prizes from cash to cars and holidays to hoovers.
Honestly, I’m sure many of them are scams of some sort.
However, you can use competition search sites such as The Prize Finder to help sift out the fake competitions.
The Prize Finder has regularly updated lists of free competitions and will email you the latest opportunities.
Just be sure to check all the terms and conditions of each one you do to make sure they are genuinely free and won’t request a monthly fee when signing up.

Where to start: The Prize Finder.

Test Apps

You can earn a bit of extra cash in your spare time by testing apps.
It can be a simple and fun way to make money by using your phone or tablet.
You can sign up to Ubertesters, this third party platform will give you an opportunity to start earning money by simply testing apps and giving your opinion.
Where to start: Ubertesters.

Amazon FBA

FBA stands for ‘fulfilment by Amazon’.
It involves Amazon looking after all of the seller’s stock.
When a customer places an order, the order goes straight to the FBA warehouse.
Amazon is then responsible for picking out the order and delivering it to the customer.
The seller isn’t part of that process at all.
The FBA model also means Amazon will deal with all the customer service, including returns and refunds.
If you have a product in mind for this model, you can use a market research tool like Jungle Scout to see how well it might perform.

Buy and sell domains

A domain name is a website's address and they can hold a lot of value.
Buying domain names relating to up-and-coming trends or topics can be a good source of profit as their value can rise exponentially.
If you’re lucky, a big brand will identify your domain and make a chunky offer to take it off your hands.
There's definitely an art to spotting the right, potentially highly lucrative domain names to buy at the early stage when they are still affordable.

Look for the best domain name deals at GoDaddy.

Publish an eBook

Emerging writers can make it big online, thanks to the self-publishing services offered by sites like Amazon.
Thanks to Kindles and other e-readers, sales of eBook sales are booming, so don't miss out if you have a brilliant book idea. Becoming an eBook author is a great step up if you are already a blogger, and can allow you to start making serious cash - but beware of the pitfalls.
Make sure you're writing about a subject that you genuinely care and are knowledgeable about, and remember that you will need to be disciplined and organised.

Make money from home with forum posts

If you’re a regular contributor to online forums and a trusted member of some communities, you can monetise that. If other users are likely to trust your advice, you can make money by recommending products and services.
You can giving people the chance to feature their website link or banner in your forum signature on exchange for a fee or a commission.
Alternatively, you can use affiliate links of your own to make money online.

Proof Read Content

Calling all teachers out there!
This is perfect for you if you have a good eye for spotting grammatical, punctuation, typographical and formatting errors.
As a proofreader, your task is to spot and correct these mistakes.
You can use tools like Grammarly to help you speed up the process.
So, if you have excellent attention to detail, doing some online work as a proofreader could be ideal for you.

Where to start: Market your services on Upwork, Fiverr.

Post On Social Media

If you have any sort of following (doesn’t necessarily have to be large) on a social media platform, you could make money by posting content.
Brands are on the lookout for people who meet certain criteria to promote their products or service.
Some brands may be willing to pay (or send you free trials and products) in return for you posting on your social media.
You can also make money from your social media by sending people to content that contains your affiliate links.
If someone buys a service or product through your link, you’ll make a commission.

Where to start: Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media platforms for this method. You could try reaching out to businesses relevant to your interests.

Sell Your Recipes

Do you have a passion for cooking?
Are your friends and family always asking you for your recipes?
If so, you have the potential to turn your cooking hobby into a money-making opportunity.
You can make money by setting up a free Etsy store to sell your recipes.
I searched for ‘cake recipes’ and found recipes ranging from £0.50 to around £5 with plenty of sales on Etsy.

Where to start: Etsy.


Are you a great photographer?
It’s possible to sell your photos online.
Many individuals, businesses, bloggers, news and media companies are constantly on the lookout for stock imagery to use within their content.
It’s common for them to purchase photos from stock agencies.
By joining a stock agency like Shutterstock, you can upload your photo’s and start earning commissions every time people use your images.

Where to start: Shutterstock.

Narrate Audio Books

As audiobooks increase in popularity and become evermore practical, there is a demand for narrators and voice over artists.
You essentially only need a decent quality microphone and some professional recording equipment to get started.
You can narrate for self-published eBook authors, ad campaigns or even animated YouTube content.

Where to start: Market your services on Fiverr.

Transcribe Audio

Transcribers convert audio into text.
This can be from audio recordings or from videos to use as subtitles.
There are third-party sites such as Casting Words that allow you to sign up for free and take on transcribing work when it suits you.
Where to start: Casting Words.

Make money from stocks and shares.

Investing in stocks and shares might seem like a daunting prospect but there's a host of sites that make it easier than ever. Services such as EasyMarkets, are aimed helping popularise investment in stocks and shares, and offer to guide customers through the process. They can't promise to make you a millionaire overnight but they will help you put your financial skills to the test.

Start Drop shipping to earn extra cash

Preface: this technique is somewhat saturated, so make sure you do your research before hand.

Droppshipping works by sourcing a product to sell online, usually found on sites like Alibaba, then creating a listing for that product on buy and sell sites. If you get a buyer then you contact the supplier and get them to ship the product directly to the buyer. This means you never hold any physical stock which bypasses a large risk element while also negating the need to have a large storage area.

You're essentially the middleman (or woman) between the buyer and the supplier.

Margins can be low but if you hit on the right product and sell large amounts then you will be turning a healthy profit. Seasonal products tend to work best, for example snow globes or halloween decorations.

YouTube Videos

On demand video is taking over how we consume information and news. Compared to five years ago there are tens of thousands of people making a fortune from YouTube's Partner Program. You collect revenue based on how many views your video gets, as well as likes and by getting subscribers. It opens up a world of affiliate and sponsorship deals and can lead to a very healthy wage.

It's all about finding a niche within the YouTube community and uploading interesting videos based on that. Go for something you're already interested in, that way you can bring the right energy to your videos to engage people. It may be a slow start but once you gather up momentum it could become a full time career.

Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. Throughout the years, its popularity has gone up and down, but it continues to prove to be a stable way to make money online. The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can be an affiliate for nearly any company.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a living by promoting other brands. If you’re a savvy marketer, you can earn a commission from sales by promoting retail products, software, apps, and more. While earning a commission may seem small, keep in mind that you can be an affiliate for several brands and include several affiliate links on a single blog post.

I hope this list has opened your eyes to some of the new online opportunities that are currently going about at the moment.
These methods will require you to do your research firsts as to ensure you understand all the ins and outs.

Remember you will need to give this your time and effort.Please do try to stick with it and learn everything you can and then become a master at what ever you decide to do.

Enjoy the journey and I wish you all the success in the years ahead.

Regards -> NegociosCPM2021
Those are really good ways to earn extra bucks online. But most of them requires skills like photography and publishing ebooks. But the one that has really been working for me paid to post forums. It has helped me earn a few bucks that gave proved to be handy. I think I will also try out the transcription that you recommended, I hope there is no country limitations.
There are many ways to make money online in 2021. there are several survey sites that offers you the opportunity to make money online while sitting at the comfort of your home but the main problem with this site is that they do not accept some people in certain parts of the world. You can also make money working on freelance websites and also you can work on PTP websites and make money online.
If you're looking for a way to make money from home, then you'll decide cause they're so many ways to make money at the comfort of your home.
Example is doing online business like coin minning, buying of coins and also trading forex
These highlighted options are indeed worthy of consideration because you have provided a guide on it. And you have shown to everyone that it is not a mirage to think of making money online. Those highlighted options will certainly be considered by a serious minded entrepreneur
Make money from online surveys

Research companies love real feedback from genuine people and will pay for your opinions.
The income varies and most are pretty low but, if you stick to it, the amounts can soon add up. Some will pay up to £3 per survey.
Try Valued Opinions or Toluna.

Enter Competitions

You know all the hundreds of competitions you see that pop up all over the internet?
Well, some of them are worth it.
There are literally thousands of competitions online every day offering prizes from cash to cars and holidays to hoovers.
Honestly, I’m sure many of them are scams of some sort.
However, you can use competition search sites such as The Prize Finder to help sift out the fake competitions.
The Prize Finder has regularly updated lists of free competitions and will email you the latest opportunities.
Just be sure to check all the terms and conditions of each one you do to make sure they are genuinely free and won’t request a monthly fee when signing up.

Where to start: The Prize Finder.

Test Apps

You can earn a bit of extra cash in your spare time by testing apps.
It can be a simple and fun way to make money by using your phone or tablet.
You can sign up to Ubertesters, this third party platform will give you an opportunity to start earning money by simply testing apps and giving your opinion.
Where to start: Ubertesters.

Amazon FBA

FBA stands for ‘fulfilment by Amazon’.
It involves Amazon looking after all of the seller’s stock.
When a customer places an order, the order goes straight to the FBA warehouse.
Amazon is then responsible for picking out the order and delivering it to the customer.
The seller isn’t part of that process at all.
The FBA model also means Amazon will deal with all the customer service, including returns and refunds.
If you have a product in mind for this model, you can use a market research tool like Jungle Scout to see how well it might perform.

Buy and sell domains

A domain name is a website's address and they can hold a lot of value.
Buying domain names relating to up-and-coming trends or topics can be a good source of profit as their value can rise exponentially.
If you’re lucky, a big brand will identify your domain and make a chunky offer to take it off your hands.
There's definitely an art to spotting the right, potentially highly lucrative domain names to buy at the early stage when they are still affordable.

Look for the best domain name deals at GoDaddy.

Publish an eBook

Emerging writers can make it big online, thanks to the self-publishing services offered by sites like Amazon.
Thanks to Kindles and other e-readers, sales of eBook sales are booming, so don't miss out if you have a brilliant book idea. Becoming an eBook author is a great step up if you are already a blogger, and can allow you to start making serious cash - but beware of the pitfalls.
Make sure you're writing about a subject that you genuinely care and are knowledgeable about, and remember that you will need to be disciplined and organised.

Make money from home with forum posts

If you’re a regular contributor to online forums and a trusted member of some communities, you can monetise that. If other users are likely to trust your advice, you can make money by recommending products and services.
You can giving people the chance to feature their website link or banner in your forum signature on exchange for a fee or a commission.
Alternatively, you can use affiliate links of your own to make money online.

Proof Read Content

Calling all teachers out there!
This is perfect for you if you have a good eye for spotting grammatical, punctuation, typographical and formatting errors.
As a proofreader, your task is to spot and correct these mistakes.
You can use tools like Grammarly to help you speed up the process.
So, if you have excellent attention to detail, doing some online work as a proofreader could be ideal for you.

Where to start: Market your services on Upwork, Fiverr.

Post On Social Media

If you have any sort of following (doesn’t necessarily have to be large) on a social media platform, you could make money by posting content.
Brands are on the lookout for people who meet certain criteria to promote their products or service.
Some brands may be willing to pay (or send you free trials and products) in return for you posting on your social media.
You can also make money from your social media by sending people to content that contains your affiliate links.
If someone buys a service or product through your link, you’ll make a commission.

Where to start: Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media platforms for this method. You could try reaching out to businesses relevant to your interests.

Sell Your Recipes

Do you have a passion for cooking?
Are your friends and family always asking you for your recipes?
If so, you have the potential to turn your cooking hobby into a money-making opportunity.
You can make money by setting up a free Etsy store to sell your recipes.
I searched for ‘cake recipes’ and found recipes ranging from £0.50 to around £5 with plenty of sales on Etsy.

Where to start: Etsy.


Are you a great photographer?
It’s possible to sell your photos online.
Many individuals, businesses, bloggers, news and media companies are constantly on the lookout for stock imagery to use within their content.
It’s common for them to purchase photos from stock agencies.
By joining a stock agency like Shutterstock, you can upload your photo’s and start earning commissions every time people use your images.

Where to start: Shutterstock.

Narrate Audio Books

As audiobooks increase in popularity and become evermore practical, there is a demand for narrators and voice over artists.
You essentially only need a decent quality microphone and some professional recording equipment to get started.
You can narrate for self-published eBook authors, ad campaigns or even animated YouTube content.

Where to start: Market your services on Fiverr.

Transcribe Audio

Transcribers convert audio into text.
This can be from audio recordings or from videos to use as subtitles.
There are third-party sites such as Casting Words that allow you to sign up for free and take on transcribing work when it suits you.
Where to start: Casting Words.

Make money from stocks and shares.

Investing in stocks and shares might seem like a daunting prospect but there's a host of sites that make it easier than ever. Services such as EasyMarkets, are aimed helping popularise investment in stocks and shares, and offer to guide customers through the process. They can't promise to make you a millionaire overnight but they will help you put your financial skills to the test.

Start Drop shipping to earn extra cash

Preface: this technique is somewhat saturated, so make sure you do your research before hand.

Droppshipping works by sourcing a product to sell online, usually found on sites like Alibaba, then creating a listing for that product on buy and sell sites. If you get a buyer then you contact the supplier and get them to ship the product directly to the buyer. This means you never hold any physical stock which bypasses a large risk element while also negating the need to have a large storage area.

You're essentially the middleman (or woman) between the buyer and the supplier.

Margins can be low but if you hit on the right product and sell large amounts then you will be turning a healthy profit. Seasonal products tend to work best, for example snow globes or halloween decorations.

YouTube Videos

On demand video is taking over how we consume information and news. Compared to five years ago there are tens of thousands of people making a fortune from YouTube's Partner Program. You collect revenue based on how many views your video gets, as well as likes and by getting subscribers. It opens up a world of affiliate and sponsorship deals and can lead to a very healthy wage.

It's all about finding a niche within the YouTube community and uploading interesting videos based on that. Go for something you're already interested in, that way you can bring the right energy to your videos to engage people. It may be a slow start but once you gather up momentum it could become a full time career.

Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. Throughout the years, its popularity has gone up and down, but it continues to prove to be a stable way to make money online. The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can be an affiliate for nearly any company.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a living by promoting other brands. If you’re a savvy marketer, you can earn a commission from sales by promoting retail products, software, apps, and more. While earning a commission may seem small, keep in mind that you can be an affiliate for several brands and include several affiliate links on a single blog post.

I hope this list has opened your eyes to some of the new online opportunities that are currently going about at the moment.
These methods will require you to do your research firsts as to ensure you understand all the ins and outs.

Remember you will need to give this your time and effort.Please do try to stick with it and learn everything you can and then become a master at what ever you decide to do.

Enjoy the journey and I wish you all the success in the years ahead.

Regards -> NegociosCPM2021
Make money from online surveys

Research companies love real feedback from genuine people and will pay for your opinions.
The income varies and most are pretty low but, if you stick to it, the amounts can soon add up. Some will pay up to £3 per survey.
Try Valued Opinions or Toluna.

Enter Competitions

You know all the hundreds of competitions you see that pop up all over the internet?
Well, some of them are worth it.
There are literally thousands of competitions online every day offering prizes from cash to cars and holidays to hoovers.
Honestly, I’m sure many of them are scams of some sort.
However, you can use competition search sites such as The Prize Finder to help sift out the fake competitions.
The Prize Finder has regularly updated lists of free competitions and will email you the latest opportunities.
Just be sure to check all the terms and conditions of each one you do to make sure they are genuinely free and won’t request a monthly fee when signing up.

Where to start: The Prize Finder.

Test Apps

You can earn a bit of extra cash in your spare time by testing apps.
It can be a simple and fun way to make money by using your phone or tablet.
You can sign up to Ubertesters, this third party platform will give you an opportunity to start earning money by simply testing apps and giving your opinion.
Where to start: Ubertesters.

Amazon FBA

FBA stands for ‘fulfilment by Amazon’.
It involves Amazon looking after all of the seller’s stock.
When a customer places an order, the order goes straight to the FBA warehouse.
Amazon is then responsible for picking out the order and delivering it to the customer.
The seller isn’t part of that process at all.
The FBA model also means Amazon will deal with all the customer service, including returns and refunds.
If you have a product in mind for this model, you can use a market research tool like Jungle Scout to see how well it might perform.

Buy and sell domains

A domain name is a website's address and they can hold a lot of value.
Buying domain names relating to up-and-coming trends or topics can be a good source of profit as their value can rise exponentially.
If you’re lucky, a big brand will identify your domain and make a chunky offer to take it off your hands.
There's definitely an art to spotting the right, potentially highly lucrative domain names to buy at the early stage when they are still affordable.

Look for the best domain name deals at GoDaddy.

Publish an eBook

Emerging writers can make it big online, thanks to the self-publishing services offered by sites like Amazon.
Thanks to Kindles and other e-readers, sales of eBook sales are booming, so don't miss out if you have a brilliant book idea. Becoming an eBook author is a great step up if you are already a blogger, and can allow you to start making serious cash - but beware of the pitfalls.
Make sure you're writing about a subject that you genuinely care and are knowledgeable about, and remember that you will need to be disciplined and organised.

Make money from home with forum posts

If you’re a regular contributor to online forums and a trusted member of some communities, you can monetise that. If other users are likely to trust your advice, you can make money by recommending products and services.
You can giving people the chance to feature their website link or banner in your forum signature on exchange for a fee or a commission.
Alternatively, you can use affiliate links of your own to make money online.

Proof Read Content

Calling all teachers out there!
This is perfect for you if you have a good eye for spotting grammatical, punctuation, typographical and formatting errors.
As a proofreader, your task is to spot and correct these mistakes.
You can use tools like Grammarly to help you speed up the process.
So, if you have excellent attention to detail, doing some online work as a proofreader could be ideal for you.

Where to start: Market your services on Upwork, Fiverr.

Post On Social Media

If you have any sort of following (doesn’t necessarily have to be large) on a social media platform, you could make money by posting content.
Brands are on the lookout for people who meet certain criteria to promote their products or service.
Some brands may be willing to pay (or send you free trials and products) in return for you posting on your social media.
You can also make money from your social media by sending people to content that contains your affiliate links.
If someone buys a service or product through your link, you’ll make a commission.

Where to start: Instagram and Facebook are the most popular social media platforms for this method. You could try reaching out to businesses relevant to your interests.

Sell Your Recipes

Do you have a passion for cooking?
Are your friends and family always asking you for your recipes?
If so, you have the potential to turn your cooking hobby into a money-making opportunity.
You can make money by setting up a free Etsy store to sell your recipes.
I searched for ‘cake recipes’ and found recipes ranging from £0.50 to around £5 with plenty of sales on Etsy.

Where to start: Etsy.


Are you a great photographer?
It’s possible to sell your photos online.
Many individuals, businesses, bloggers, news and media companies are constantly on the lookout for stock imagery to use within their content.
It’s common for them to purchase photos from stock agencies.
By joining a stock agency like Shutterstock, you can upload your photo’s and start earning commissions every time people use your images.

Where to start: Shutterstock.

Narrate Audio Books

As audiobooks increase in popularity and become evermore practical, there is a demand for narrators and voice over artists.
You essentially only need a decent quality microphone and some professional recording equipment to get started.
You can narrate for self-published eBook authors, ad campaigns or even animated YouTube content.

Where to start: Market your services on Fiverr.

Transcribe Audio

Transcribers convert audio into text.
This can be from audio recordings or from videos to use as subtitles.
There are third-party sites such as Casting Words that allow you to sign up for free and take on transcribing work when it suits you.
Where to start: Casting Words.

Make money from stocks and shares.

Investing in stocks and shares might seem like a daunting prospect but there's a host of sites that make it easier than ever. Services such as EasyMarkets, are aimed helping popularise investment in stocks and shares, and offer to guide customers through the process. They can't promise to make you a millionaire overnight but they will help you put your financial skills to the test.

Start Drop shipping to earn extra cash

Preface: this technique is somewhat saturated, so make sure you do your research before hand.

Droppshipping works by sourcing a product to sell online, usually found on sites like Alibaba, then creating a listing for that product on buy and sell sites. If you get a buyer then you contact the supplier and get them to ship the product directly to the buyer. This means you never hold any physical stock which bypasses a large risk element while also negating the need to have a large storage area.

You're essentially the middleman (or woman) between the buyer and the supplier.

Margins can be low but if you hit on the right product and sell large amounts then you will be turning a healthy profit. Seasonal products tend to work best, for example snow globes or halloween decorations.

YouTube Videos

On demand video is taking over how we consume information and news. Compared to five years ago there are tens of thousands of people making a fortune from YouTube's Partner Program. You collect revenue based on how many views your video gets, as well as likes and by getting subscribers. It opens up a world of affiliate and sponsorship deals and can lead to a very healthy wage.

It's all about finding a niche within the YouTube community and uploading interesting videos based on that. Go for something you're already interested in, that way you can bring the right energy to your videos to engage people. It may be a slow start but once you gather up momentum it could become a full time career.

Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. Throughout the years, its popularity has gone up and down, but it continues to prove to be a stable way to make money online. The best part about affiliate marketing is that you can be an affiliate for nearly any company.

Affiliate marketing allows you to earn a living by promoting other brands. If you’re a savvy marketer, you can earn a commission from sales by promoting retail products, software, apps, and more. While earning a commission may seem small, keep in mind that you can be an affiliate for several brands and include several affiliate links on a single blog post.

I hope this list has opened your eyes to some of the new online opportunities that are currently going about at the moment.
These methods will require you to do your research firsts as to ensure you understand all the ins and outs.

Remember you will need to give this your time and effort.Please do try to stick with it and learn everything you can and then become a master at what ever you decide to do.

Enjoy the journey and I wish you all the success in the years ahead.

Regards -> NegociosCPM2021
I agree with this list it's true there literally unlimited ways to make money online just do it. Work hard and the money will start rolling in.
Their is too many options to go with indeed. I've thought about different kinds of skill line. I'm taking my time to learn transcription to master it the very best i can game. Learn graphic designs, web development, improve on my writing etc. It is possible for me to learn all this skills before my time hits to a certain age i suppose relax and enjoy my labour.
Selling on eBay will continue to be one of the best online business someone can ever do. eBay gift platform that makes it easy to reach the targeted audience within a click of mouse. You are bound to make lot of money if you are offering quality products to a wide range of people. Another way is to sell information products through two step marketing.
There are hundreds of ways to make money even in the comfort of your home; thanks to the advent of the internet and social media. You can make money from home by becoming a virtual assistant, selling stuff on online, trading cryptocurrency, online tutoring, selling services on Fiverr, building sales funnels, renting out your home, launching an ecommerce site, etc.
the only business in that list I'll consider doing his domain flipping because I've heard a lot of people says about it and I read the tutorial on how to get started but I'm just lazy about it,even though I read the tutorial but I still need some guidance and I don't know if anyone here has a better information on how to get started.