Control your Money


Valued Contributor
In general, money behaves like a group of stubborn and disobedient teenagers in a classroom. If the teacher does not know how to control those stubborn and disobedient teenagers, they will end up controlling him.

The teacher will be able to keep a strict record of the actions that each of them does, but that by itself will not make him take control. So it is with our money.

Taking control implies understanding that we give the orders and we are the ones who have to tell our money exactly what we want it to do for us. For that you have to have a plan called a spending plan or budget.
That is a good comparison you have given. Indeed not taking care of finances can make it take control of us that we loose focus on how we should spend it. A spending plan is really of great importance. You got to plan how you spend each penny you have. Moreover, spending requires so much self discipline. You could have a spending plan but without self control, you may not follow through. So you have to practice alot of self control in your spending and with time, you will be good at it.