conscious marketing


New member
There is this traditional mechanism of marketing which is still quite common even in the current age where people choose to rely on word of mouth marketing. While the reputation may play a huge role and fear of overspending may make people fear advertising one really should not. Social media marketing is quite practical and affordable.
There is this traditional mechanism of marketing which is still quite common even in the current age where people choose to rely on word of mouth marketing. While the reputation may play a huge role and fear of overspending may make people fear advertising one really should not. Social media marketing is quite practical and affordable.

Hello Youngshark,

I completely agree with you that mouth to mouth marketing is among the best oldest trick in the books for marketing. This can aided by personally connecting with clients and customers at trade shows and events. Also, using social media platform along with this method will greatly help your brand to become popular.
There is this traditional mechanism of marketing which is still quite common even in the current age where people choose to rely on word of mouth marketing. While the reputation may play a huge role and fear of overspending may make people fear advertising one really should not. Social media marketing is quite practical and affordable.

The mouth marketing is one of the wonderful idea to encourage the people toward your brand name and it can be done at any trade shows, conference, seminars where you can easily introduce about your business or brand name to the multiple people by your own mouth and can impress them.
When it comes to marketing I think concious effort is needed you need to put your mind and focus to achieve what you really want as the results. If one needs to create awareness that should also be internationally then using the social media platforms will help. But being persuasive with marketing is great for skilful markerters
Mouth to mouth marketing pays a commission to invitee for example if you invite some people and they say they are invited from you you get a commission from their sales added as reduction for next purchases from store or cash paid by merchant to your account because traditional ways costs a lot of money like spread TV ads. However it is more better to advertise through people witch is cheaper.
Mouth to mouth marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing. Though it may not be in vogue but it is still used mostly in the commercial markets where the buyers need much conviction from the sellers before patronizing. The effects of social media how ever has reduced the impacts of these mode of marketing.
Mouth to mouth advertisement is an archaic way of marketing a product before the advent of all sort of media... it's used to work effectively before but people don't usually believe word of the mouth anymore cos of deceitfulness. But in my country people still use this kind of marketing to sell their locally made products.
It is very important to invest your time trying to boost your word-of-mouth marketing because it is one that is beautifully on trust and you do not have to stress yourself that much. Social media advertisement is also a very good one and it is relatively cheaper than it converts well to.