9 Money Moves To Make For The New Year!


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Having a great year is all about making the right decisions. So, here are 9 money moves to make for the new year!

1. Save more than you spend.

2. Stop spending on things that don't bring you joy.

3. Pay off debt as soon as possible and then pay it off again!

4. Downsize your home or apartment if you can afford to, or at least move closer to work so that commuting becomes easier.

5. Don't buy new clothes until you have time to wear them, and only when they're on sale!

6. Invest in yourself by going back to school, getting training for a new job, or taking a course in something you're passionate about. you'll have fun doing it and get better at life skills, too!

7. Save up for a vacation! If you're looking to take a break from your holiday hustle, save up some moolah and get out of town. There are lots of ways you can do this from selling stuff on Craigslist to saving for an entire trip, there's no shortage of options.

8. Get a gym membership and start going! If you've been meaning to get off the couch and start working out, now's the time to do it! Gym memberships are cheap and they'll help you feel better about yourself while also helping you lose weight or tone up your body or both!

9. Start saving for retirement or a down payment on a house! If saving isn't your thing, there are tons of other options for getting some extra cash in your bank account: You could start putting money away for retirement or save for a down payment on a house (or both!). And if neither of those really excites you, we've got some other ideas that might just change your mind!
Great list!

Another smart money move is to learn how to invest your money so that they'll work for you, in today's world there're infinite ways you can invest your money and get them to work for you, these channels ranges from stocks, forex, bonds, shares and even companies, there are platforms like eToro, Chaka and Robinhood that enables you to do that easily.

The world has moved on from saving money in the bank because they don't appreciate and inflation will devalue your savings, but through investing you'll get to make more and also preserve the value of what you've got already.