2 Tips to Blogging (2)


Valued Contributor
When you start your blog, there are many things you may not be knowing such as resources available, editing, photography, and marketing.
Here are two tips:

1. Practice makes you perfect:

The more you work on your blog, the more you will find to express. Learn what to do, and discover what works and what does not. Read your work once. You will know the mistakes. Take more and more pictures. You will learn the tricks.

2. Accept the feedback;

There are times when your visitors or lack of it or a friend can help you understand that you are doing something wrong.. Pay attention and follow their advice.
I totally agree with your tips and I must say that they are great and worth following in order to be successful in blogging. Practice is really important. That means that you should write regularly because the more you write, the better you get at writing and making your blog posts. That also applies to all the practices undertaken in blogging, you should do them regularly. Another thing that is necessary in blogging is being ready to always learn. This can be through other people, reading or watching tutorial videos. Research and learning is really great, you will never run out of things to write and you will learn new things that can be really good for your blogging.
If you want to go into Blogging you must understand that it is a journey and in that journey you must make some mistakes but your ability to correct them is what will determine whether you will be successful on the long run or not.

Creating of contents sometimes can be very hard especially for newbies and blogging. If you can practice steadily then with time you will definitely improve on your content creation and from there you can attract a lot of people to your blog.

If you want to venture into blogging it is much important you know that it is not a get-rich-quick scheme like I have always said because it requires a lot of work and consistency for you to get there.

You must also have proper knowledge and understanding of search engine optimisation and keyword research. Sometimes you might make mistakes but your ability to practice and learn new things everyday is what will definitely make the difference and the long run.

Many people who venture into blogging and have the mindset and that it is a business you will venture into today and tomorrow you start making money but the reverse is always a case. It can take some months or years for you to start seeing money.