Saving Money 11 Ways To Stop Buying Crap You Don’t Need


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1. Get rid of your clothes that you haven't worn in over a year.

2. Stop buying things you don't need.

3. Sell your things on ebay and make some extra cash.

4. Sell your old car and get a newer one for cheaper.

5. Make sure you're not spending money on junk food.

6. Start cooking at home instead of eating out all the time.

7. Stop eating out so much! You can still save money by making your own meals.

8. Start eating healthier foods that are cheaper than their unhealthy counterparts (like fruits and vegetables).

9. Don't buy anything new if it doesn't have to be replaced within 5 years (or less).

10. Buy things used instead of new if it's possible, especially clothing (you'll save more money this way).

11. Use coupons and sales to get discounts on things that are already cheap.
You don't need to waste your money on things you don't actually need.
We're not saying that you shouldn't buy things, or that you should only buy things that are considered necessities. But it's important to know how to recognize when something is a good investment and when it might not be worth the price tag.
Here are some ways you can learn how to tell if something is a good buy or not:

-Does it make sense? Does this thing do what it was meant to do? If it doesn't seem like the product makes sense, then maybe it's not worth buying.

-Is there anything wrong with the product? If there are any flaws in the product that could cause problems later on down the line, then maybe it's not worth buying.

-Is there anyone else using this product? If there are other people using this product, then maybe they've found something better than what you have available right now.