writing career

  1. Good-Guy

    What Are Your Thoughts About Pursuing A Career As A Writer?

    Pursuing a writing career can be a very big challenge for many people who may not have sufficient knowledge about grammar. Pursuing this kind of career could help you in many ways. You must be a dedicated person in order to become a writer and it is important to develop your writing skills in...
  2. Good-Guy

    Is Writing Your Hobby Or A Full-time Job?

    There are many different kinds of professions in the world. Writing is also one of the most popular kind of professions in the world as well. There are so many people in the world who engage in writing and there are many people who tend to view writing as a hobby. Many of the people like to...
  3. Good-Guy

    For How Long Have You Been Working As A Writer?

    When it comes to opting for a career, you tend to opt it during some point of your life. Writing is one of the most intriguing careers and it is a good thing to be a writer. The great thing about writing is the fact that you can choose to be a writer at any stage of your life. This is because of...
  4. Carpon

    Using and developing your writing skills

    Every individual is endowed with gifts and talents. Though this is true there are a lot of things that can be learnt to add expertise to the talent and gift everyone has. Skills are very important and in this thread we will see how writing skills can be developed and worked on and will at the...
  5. Sotherefore

    How do we overcome the challenges associated with writing career.

    Even though writing is among one of the most profitable online business that thousands of people are earning from, there are so many things associated with writing of contents which make it quite difficult for people to start earning most especially as a newbie. One of the greatest disadvantage...
  6. D

    Don’t Stress a Lot When Writing

    When you first start writing your post, don't put too much pressure on yourself, I saw this tip on Instagram, The creator said something about that do you want get creative, just bring a book and write down anything that pumps into your head related to your niche. Of course, you don't want your...
  7. Sotherefore

    Is Content writing A profitable niche ?

    Content writing is one of the areas of business that involves writing of content for bloggng , business and sometimes a writer can also write contents to attract people to a particular product or services There are writers who specialise in writing content for people on Freelance platforms...